Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] with a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He tried to leaven it with a minor joke .
2 Last week he promised to supply us with a written explanation of the way his company had treated Debbie , but it never arrived .
3 Cati went in to Rosa , who lay gripping the down coverlet , to cram it into her face and muffle her sobs ; she climbed up next to her , and stroked her head , and tried to cradle her with a thin arm across her shaking shoulders and felt herself going dry in her throat and choked up too ; Rosa twisted , her red face glowered up at Cati .
4 Middlesbrough were stronger defensively in the second half as , surprisingly , Swindon tried to upset them with a long-ball game rather , than with their usual slick passing style .
5 And the recreation committee yesterday agreed to replace it with a new wooden one costing £9,500 .
6 Consciousness deteriorated and , since the pain ‘ could no longer be relieved ’ , it was decided to kill her with a large dose of opioids .
7 However , in principle this would seem to be the most promising avenue to explore to furnish us with a better understanding of causal relations .
8 The house seemed to watch her with a calculating eye .
9 By April of 1824 he had failed to abate the nuisance , and it was decided to present him with a formal notice to desist .
10 The T&G would like to support her with a clear conscience and every left-of-centre statement from her helps .
11 And s and begin to drive them with a consolidated plan .
12 There is , for most of the century , no simple suggestion of a dominant class resisting a popular culture and attempting to supplant it with a preferred alternative , but rather a willingness not only to tolerate it but to accept a functional involvement .
13 ‘ Of course I 'd like to see you with a few sheep , my lass , sheep being so close to my heart .
14 Ice-climbers have often wondered when someone is going to provide them with a decent training facility .
15 But would she like to do it with a stranger and one so strange as Leon who came , not just from ten miles off , but a thousand ?
16 At bonus time , his superiors were going to reward him with a fat check .
17 ‘ In addition I 'll give you whatever it costs to equip you with a suitable outfit to attend inter-views .
18 Even when we are in fact focussing on spoken language , we seem to approach it with a theoretical apparatus which is more apt for the analysis of written language ’ ( 1982 , p .
19 But I suspect a lot of you would want to leave them with a matt finish , it 's entirely up to you Anyway when you paint , like I say , it 's just it 's because it 's porous it sucks the colour off the brush and er it immediately dries , so you can see , straight away , the colour it 's gon na be when you then put the varnish on you use a sort of matt varnish and so it brings the colour up but it wo n't be shiny or a shine , which you 're gon na choose like you might wan na matt varnish with this and shiny for the shell which ca it really brings the colour up , we wo n't get round to varnishing today erm and the other thing you can do , if you want erm a sort of a mottled effect you do pink in a base colour say Mikila wanted all greeny , bluey colours on that
20 I like to compare him with a footballing genius , putting through passes others are too slow to take , and making moves that would be brilliant if only the rules were different .
21 Far from resenting Lucien 's new-found favour , the other vibrancers in the house began to treat him with a new respect once his alliance with Jeopardy became common knowledge .
22 The colour of his face always reddens just as it does when fat Margot , the launderess , who keeps me supplied with cups of sack , bends and dips to provide me with a generous view of the most famous cleavage in all of Surrey . )
23 And the Cid began to encourage them with a loud voice , shouting God and Santiago !
24 Gently , he began to massage her with a greasy perfumed oil .
25 Right on cue a Brazilian goal arrived in the 54th minute and was largely the result of a surging run on the right and inspired cross from Jorginho , Careca rising to meet it with a firm header down past Van Breukelen .
26 He was bound to remember you with a little legacy .
27 The tunes played by the 25-year-old former London College of Music student have become a feature at the club this season and the Crewe directors intend to reward him with a free season ticket .
28 To do so is to help the opponent to win without his having to hit you with a single scoring technique .
29 ‘ Thompson at your service , ’ said the landlord coming to meet him with a welcoming smile which disappeared quickly as he saw Midnight — his glance sliding from the metal collar to the handcuffs and on to Jess 's flushed face .
30 Or I 'll have to bash it with a rolling pin again .
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