Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 How dear Maisie , or Natalia , and certainly Emma , would laugh to see him enslaved by an ankle after their more generous gifts of person yet enslaved he was .
2 you you mounted up a certain amount of debt , you tried to get it paid by the end of the quarter .
3 After a spell at the rehabilitation centre , Guy 's parents realized it was a mistake , and tried to have him transferred to a specialist stroke rehabilitation centre in London , even though this was a long way from home .
4 At the end of 1978 , when he realized the danger that Khomeini was inflicting on the Shah from France , Marenches say he tried to have him expelled from the country .
5 If your elderly relative is unfortunate enough to be registered with a doctor who is impatient with the older patients on his list and not particularly interested in geriatric medicine , the best thing to do is to try to get her transferred to the list of another doctor in the area whose attitude towards his elderly patients is known to be more sympathetic and thorough .
6 ‘ You write the specifications for her repairs , and I 'll guarantee to have them done at the best boatyard in America . ’
7 Variant weapons included the guisarme or fauchard , which persisted in many forms as late as the seventeenth century , and inflicted such horrible wounds that attempts were made to have it banned during the medieval period .
8 Ward had often threatened to have it converted into a work room but , as is the case with most attics , it remained nothing more than a storehouse for junk that was n't wanted elsewhere in the cottage .
9 I know the time is slipping and I hope to get it done in the next two weeks .
10 Our spies report that Bonkers Bono is so excited he 's decided to have it built in the shape of a guitar , though we at Public NME think a huge shoe-shape would be more relevant as the new album U2 are currently working on is supposed to be a load of old cobblers .
11 Another prisoner wrote to me recently , and I am now seeking to get him transferred to a prison nearer his home in Liverpool .
12 We did what we could but , ideally , I 'd like to see him moved to a proper unit , specialising in orthopaedics .
13 Parents who fork out one a year for expensive games would not have to see them abandoned in the cupboard and teenagers could have a dozen games a year at pocket money prices .
14 A month ago I decided to have it straightened by an acid perm .
15 But in the evening , on what was to prove his last visit , the prisoner was so long and so quiet that eventually the carabiniere who had remained to guard him banged on the door .
16 Janine Antoni gave a performance ( which took place on the opening night and can be viewed on video ) in which she immersed her hair in that inky mess familiar to so many women as hair-dye and proceeded to use her loaded as a floor mop , covering the surface of the gallery floor with the stuff .
17 If Tommaso had n't troubled to have me paged at the opera , you would certainly have performed coitus with this young woman and d'ye know what would have happened then ? ’
18 Jacques Devraux had not troubled to make him known to the senator , but while his father made a final check of the baggage truck , Paul Devraux had patted him affectionately on the shoulder and introduced him to them as " the great all-purpose Annamese genie Ngo Van Loc , who 's houseboy , camp boy , chauffeur and indispensable general assistant to the humble Devraux family . "
19 Here , and around the edges of a patio , you 'll probably want to have them wired to a permanently fixed outdoor socket .
20 He publicly endorsed the death sentence on Salman Rushdie — an act which oddly failed to get him charged with the crime of incitement to murder — and wants to set up a Muslim parliament .
21 He attempted to have the case thrown out as " frivolous and vexatious " , but failed to have it struck off the High Court list .
22 Mrs Thatcher fought to have it put at the top of the agenda at the EC Summit in June 1989 .
23 She raised her eyes to his face , but he could see no flash of emotion there , nothing of the slightly vulnerable girl who 'd tried to hide her hurt under an efficient exterior .
24 Michael must have wondered why I 'd come to visit him disguised as a zebra .
25 ‘ I can arrange to have it buried in a motorway tonight , unless anybody has a better idea ? ’
26 as if that were not enough , the Department of Trade and Industry is still trying to have him disqualified as a company director for his role in the collapse of Homes Assured — a move which forced his resignation from the chairmanship of Lonrho in 1991 .
27 and we do many things , we write to MP 's , we write to councils trying to get them banned off the land , and we 've been very successful .
28 An elegant back view ca n't fail to get you noticed in a crowd
29 Participating members should distribute the Investment Overview direct to foreign prospective purchasers in their countries unless they prefer to have it distributed by the initiating member .
30 If the Co was up on the Tuesday you had to have it paid for the Saturday , at least .
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