Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [noun pl] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From February , 1992 , the UK Department of Health sponsored the broadcast of television commercials designed to alert parents to the dangers of VSA .
2 So far this section has considered activity specifically designed to attract newcomers to the organisation .
3 I received representations from both parties on [ Date ] and expect to receive replies to the representations on [ Date ] .
4 ‘ They said it was for lack of printing plates , ’ said Mohammed Salekh , the party leader , who has to submit articles to the authorities for approval .
5 ‘ Norlite is terribly sorry and knows it has to do things to the letter in future . ’
6 Despite his words suggesting solidarity with the Third World , Ceauşescu 's initial actions as maker of Romania 's foreign policy were designed to build bridges to the West .
7 They should be designed to add skills to the person taking the training even if some of those skills are broader than those actually required for the task .
8 NGOs appear to present challenges to the authority of government agencies .
9 Mr. Thornton argued first that the whole concept of Stardust Jewellers involved a deceit or trick by the police designed to deprive visitors to the shop of their protection or privilege against self-incrimination .
10 Firstly , there is the provision that ‘ DHAs will need to allow for referrals by GPs to hospitals with whom no contracts have been placed , keeping some funds in reserve for this purpose ’ ( DoH , 1989a , para.4.24 ) , which is designed to overcome objections to the loss of GP freedom resultant on the Type I system .
11 He gave Ranulf a brief description of what had happened but his servant , with a keen sense of survival , immediately tried to link events to the men who had attempted to attack them on the road from Leith .
12 Families may have to share lavatories with other families or it may be inconveniently placed and so parents find that it is too much bother to take children to the lavatory and continue to let them soil .
13 Then if the assembler wants to make changes to the contract , the body-maker is in a strong position because it can threaten to keep both employees and assets working to the original contracts .
14 Drivers on the French express railway , the RER , which is expected to bring visitors to the site from central Paris are also threatening to strike on Sunday , when the park opens , because of the demands on them to cope with extra passenger traffic .
15 They will be expected to make presentations to the seminar group , not only on lesson preparation but also on integrating communicative activities .
16 He said : ‘ I just want to introduce others to the pleasures of writing and sharing that writing with others . ’
17 They hope to find clues to the structure of the highly complicated social organisation which hints at a hierarchy with ‘ leaders ’ and ‘ subordinates ’ .
18 Mr Prescott , who plans to table amendments to the airport security bill , said Mr Parkinson was paying lip service to screening and giving no indication when this would be achieved .
19 The type of argument exemplified by Strawson 's claim undoubtedly has a strong intuitive appeal , and versions of this approach have , ever since Kant , been popular as a means of seeking to set limits to the use of causal explanations in accounting for human affairs .
20 ‘ I 've always been very aware that I needed to give something back after this experience and when I read about the appeal for people prepared to give homes to the Bosnians , I decided it was time I stepped in . ’
21 On the same page appeared a sharp rebuke to Ken Brown , an idiosyncratic professional golfer , who had committed the unforgivable sin of refusing to give interviews to the press or television and making good his escape from a crowd of journalists by vaulting over a barrier .
22 For hanging ties and belts , you can buy specialist racks or rails to attach to the wall or the back of the wardrobe doors , shoe racks can be placed in the bottom of the wardrobe and , if the exteriors of the doors are not mirrored , you might want to fit mirrors to the inside .
23 Large Government grants are being offered to attract industries to the Enterprise Zones within Liverpool and Manchester but , with an uncertain future , most managers are being cautious over investing money for new industries in the region .
24 Economists working in this field are attempting to find answers to the question of why the various estimates of NAIRU exhibit a persistent tendency to rise over time .
25 The discount houses will therefore not like to sell bills to the Bank of England unless they are forced to .
26 The Court of Session heard that in 1985 , Mr Gillespie had agreed to sell shares to the club 's owners of the time , John Lawrence ( Glasgow ) Ltd .
27 In situ hybridisation has been used to detect mRNAs to the mactophage secretory products , lysozyme , interleukin 1β and tumour necrosis factor-α .
28 The clerk of the court refused to supply him with the names of the lay justices who had decided it , pursuant to a policy which was being adopted by an increasing number of magistrates courts of declining to identify justices to the public or the press .
29 Throughout the series , use is made of tables , diagrams , and charts which are used to sensitize students to the way in which written texts are structured and also to support the numerous information transfer activities that ensure that meaning is never lost .
30 If the Government are sincere about the Bill , they should not hesitate to give assurances to the House and the country that the money will be found to ensure that a link will be provided and that services will be available to the communities in the regions , and particularly the north , from the channel tunnel .
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