Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [art] [det] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Childebert 's tax inspectors then tried to institute the same reforms in Tours , but Gregory claimed that the city was exempt , and related the history of exemption since the time of Chlothar I. However , if reorganization had not threatened Tours , it is doubtful whether we would have heard of the perfectly sensible arrangements at Poitiers , which suggest not only that taxation was normal in the Merovingian kingdom , but also that it could be organized efficiently , and so far as one can see , fairly .
2 You will then also need to drill the same contrast in all other positions in which it occurs .
3 His Kent landscapes had contributed significantly to the success of his 1945 Roland , Browse and Delbanco exhibition , soon after which he tried to interest the same gallery in Edie Lamont 's work .
4 The company also said that it will continue with its application to the Department of Trade and Industry to operate a ‘ personal communications network ’ , which is expected to present the same opportunities in the next decade as cellular mobile radio is doing in this .
5 If you only want to raise a few seedlings in spring , and provide a humid atmosphere for some cuttings later , an unheated propagator will be adequate .
6 When he tried to construct a few sentences in his mind — excusing himself — excusing Rose — they did n't sound lucid .
7 For example , it might seem curious that a member of the RICS could be a director of a commercial company offering a range of services to the public , yet not be permitted to occupy the same position in a company offering the very skill for which he has been trained .
8 Flushed by success in selling homes in the slump , Pidgeley now plans to perform the same miracle in the recession-bashed commercial property sector .
9 Housewives simply do not expect to work the same hours in the home as they would in an office or factory .
10 We seemed destined to replay the same parts in an old story .
11 soc : And I suppose you 'd like more of the same so you can go on pinpointing variation and replicate the studies which have been done to show the same thing in different places , or maybe to include a few more explanatory variables in your statistical model ?
12 The Glens need to beat Larne at Inver Park to be sure of reaching the quarter-finals and manager Robert Strain is looking to make a few alterations in his line-up .
13 His model and hero was his neighbour Mustafa Kenal Ataturk ; he strove to implement the same reforms in Iran as were being achieved in Turkey .
14 Recruitment advertisements on behalf of one licensed dealer or another used to appear every few weeks in London or the national press .
15 The laws of cause and effect , which appear to operate so consistently in the physical world , seem to have no such application in the world of metaphysics .
16 I hope that the hon. Gentleman and I manage to spend a little time in Lancashire together , and that he will come to Bath .
17 Quickly I seized needle and thread and began to insert a few sutures in the vulva .
18 She had always wanted an animal of her own , and so she began to feel a little interest in Dickon .
19 Government money is helping to convert a former library in the city centre into 14 flats and bedsits , money which the Enviroment Secretary says must be fought for in competition with other cities .
20 The very next day , Sunday , I would have to attend the same chapel in its religious function , and the fact that the previous evening it had been a battleground for people who were supposed to be friends and allies , while the ‘ enemy ’ got on with his job uninterrupted outside , led to a more or less permanent confusion in my mind , which I now believe to be totally justified , between violence and religion , and between fact and fancy [ or film ] .
21 Though participants have said that they find these quizzes enjoyable , they have not been well supported by comparison with the more usual lectures and no further quiz is planned for the moment , though I shall try to keep a few questions in hand in case a speaker is delayed or fails to arrive for some reason .
22 He travelled to and from home alone , and soon he decided to eat a few buns in the classroom while reading Jefferies , or else to have lunch outside school .
23 Where the latter have rejected other gods in favour of the one they wish to follow , the former has attempted to assimilate the many gods in which it believes into a single Deity who stands behind them as their ground .
24 This approach is particularly useful when their play has become " stuck " , when they continue to enact the same situation in the same way .
25 ONE OF FIVE children who father , a bookie , died young , Lenny McLean grew up in one of the tougher parts of London 's East End , left school at fifteen and , as a young man , started to make a few quid in the unlicensed boxing matches which were becoming increasingly popular at the time .
26 Now he hopes to find the same favour in the eyes of his brother .
27 ( She thought : I must n't forget to sing a few notes in that direction … )
28 I have n't actually managed to make it yet this term because of all the teaching preparation I 've been doing , but erm I 've done that for the last two years and erm it 's been quite an important activity because it enabled me , after I came back down to Lewes , to help to get to know a few people in the university and to sort of expand my contacts , and the Meeting House is one of those places which is open to the general public on Sundays for religious worship .
29 I had n't actually managed to make it yet this term because of all the teaching preparation I 've been doing but erm I 've done that for the last two years and erm it 's been quite an important activity because it enabled me , after I came back down to Lewes , to help to get to know a few people in the University and to sort of expand my contacts .
30 They often have a very small percentage of the population anyway , and er I 'm glad we 've brought this matter up , because I think that is something which needs further investigation , that the the ordinary public and the many little , or the millions of voluntary organisations ought to be encouraged to have a more output in forwarding names .
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