Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to go to the story as to why the labour party opposed the er th the entry to the city of Marks and Spencer but it 's an interest .
2 Unfortunately , it has no effect on the larval stage in the eggs and further applications may need to be given to cope with the larvae as they hatch .
3 Councillor Stevenson is well placed to comment on the carpet as he was once a weaver at Stoddard .
4 The principles contained within the 1984 Act are designed to comply with the principles as stated in the Council of Europe Convention on Data Protection .
5 Er at the moment there are no savings identified and it seems to me that this Committee needs to deal with the budget as it finds .
6 However , such hypotheses are expected to emerge from the research as it goes along , rather than be specified from the start and used as a guide to the kind of data that is sought and collected .
7 We want to stay in the area as we both like walking , especially in the Dales , ’ said Audrey .
8 Both self-employed , and having the required skills , the two set about raising the £150 they would each need to pay for the journey as well as the tools and materials they would need .
9 The prostitutes , all aged between eighteen and twenty-three , apparently became La Tour 's perks and he was generally expected to join in the fun as well .
10 Refusing to cower behind the racks as she usually did , she walked boldly along the centre aisle .
11 Finally , check the upper hall and then the staircase , remembering to go under the stairs as well , which is a weak point for woodworm and damp .
12 As with the word ‘ church ’ , the synagogue came to stand for the building as well as the people meeting there .
13 In April a restlessness seemed to come into the air as the village began to throw off the lethargy of winter .
14 People had to flee into the bush , seeking to hide from the bandits as best they could , coming into the village only by day .
15 Er , I should know that , or certainly agree that all the staff in the Environment must have coped ade adequately well before under the preceding system where each officer , each department was was instructed to deal with the environment as it came along .
16 Children came to laugh at the animals as they rocked autistically or broke into tantrums ; creatures accustomed to marking out miles of territory in a single day were now constrained to prowl and circle in a few narrow yards .
17 They had a tiny room on the ground floor lit by a small leaded window and heated by an open fire from which as much smoke seemed to blow into the room as went up the chimney .
18 There are still areas where we tend to look at the other as ‘ the resident expert ’ , or at least more expert than we consider ourself to be .
19 These doctors tend to look upon the PHCNs as people they could consult with and give a cold shoulder to the rest of the nurses .
20 At the major shows , winners are often exposed to the glare of television lights , and expected to parade for the cameras as well , before journeying back home after a long day .
21 The first great white flakes had melted on the pavements , now it was falling thicker and faster , building up on the window ledges and in the cricks and crannies , turning to slush on the roads as the traffic churned through it .
22 But much more bridging research in this field is needed so that we can get beyond pious exhortation to tested procedures that have been shown to work in the classroom as well as in the laboratory .
23 Teams of journalists , just about to go home around l0 p.m. , were told to work through the night as fresh editions were prepared for issue as late as S a.m .
24 Mr Bush announced that Mrs Black had agreed to help at the school as there would be an extra seventy children attending .
25 She turned to look at the registrar as he strode smiling into the room , and her bemused expression must have registered .
26 . And she 's got to look after the budget as well .
27 And it 's got to do with the individual as well .
28 She opened her mouth to yell , turning to retreat into the theatre as she did so .
29 Billy prefers to think of the music as representing the way he feels , the sound-picture corresponding with his inner self .
30 At his first approach to man-machine conversation , the system analyst often tends to think of the man as originating each part : the man says something to the computer and the computer replies .
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