Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eating the right kind of food and having a balanced diet is important not only for weight control but for the well-being of skin , hair and every other part of us that we tend to treat in terms of beauty rather than health care .
2 If , like me , you tend to sit on mountains of paper , and rely on your memory to root out a reference , then you will need to be strong and discipline yourself to filing items away as soon as you have finished with them , either in folders or binders or in cabinet or box file , depending on the amount of space you have available .
3 It has to cope with conflicts of interest when , according to corporatist ideology , there is supposed to be a single , overriding common interest expressing collective goals .
4 I shall say more of this a little later on , but for now I want to concentrate on aspects of privatisation .
5 This book is not designed to engage with exposition of doctrine though it will inevitably point to its importance ; rather it attempts a mode of appreciation of these texts to help readers , whether or not they have prior knowledge of the subject , to respond to them as literary witnesses to a life of faith understood as a game .
6 As a consequence we are still constrained to conform to standards of behaviour expected of us by the group .
7 The fiction of the family is the most powerful one in terms of unquestioned loyalties — children , parents , grandparents , siblings and spouses are traditionally expected to conform to codes of duty and right without question or gain .
8 Until recently , for example , it was not considered to apply between consumers of gas or water and the public industries which supply them .
9 Erm , and therefore , that Planning Committee erm , basically has to vote in favour of development , unless there are over-riding planning reasons why they should not .
10 The other kind of schematic knowledge has to do with mode of communication .
11 What do we need to ensure in terms of pitch when we 're speaking to a group of people ?
12 However , as it was found to be the lack of care which followed the loss of a parent , rather than the loss itself , which explained the child 's increased risk of depression in adulthood , the same vulnerability can be expected to result from lack of care in intact family homes ( Harris et al. , 1986 ) .
13 To understand music-hall and vaudeville one has to fight through layers of myth and romance and one has to undo a whole view of the past that uses nostalgia for pre-1914 as a touchstone .
14 The schemes , to be prepared within a period of three years from that date , were still to relate to land in course of development , or earmarked for development .
15 I repeat that , as a result of the Government 's policy , we had to import a vet every single day of last year to try to keep on top of animal diseases .
16 The number of mature students returning to study after years of work or undertaking retraining programmes in the colleges has grown and is likely to continue to do so .
17 The Soviet media published ostensible ‘ top secret CENTO documents ’ proving that the authors ‘ want to transform into zones of death not only their two allies in CENTO , Iran and Pakistan , but also the territory of neutral Afghanistan ’ .
18 Depending on what profile you want to achieve , you may also need to improvise with lengths of dowel or similar implements .
19 In view of this , Taylor and colleagues argue that criminology needs to centre on theories of rule-making and breaking in relation to the distribution of power in society .
20 That 's what I 'm saying , they need , they need just a little , in fact we do here you could argue , er , I feel that all the elements there are of a turning into something a bit ugly , I think , I think they were very quick to drop those statues down , now I know , I know the fellow who in , who set up the K G B could have been the most popular bloke in the Soviet Union , but nonetheless , er he was down within a day , I hear this morning that Yeltsin 's talking about border changes and quite frankly they 're moving too quick and Gorbachev at least was providing a bit of restraint , and I think it , they want to think in terms of decade .
21 I have found more difficulty teaching the relational model to computer students ( who want to think in terms of computer jargon and are looking for complications that do not exist ) than to management students .
22 In real life , we move our heads , and foreground objects appear to move in front of background objects because of parallax .
23 Subsidiarity was designed to operate under forms of government exercising undivided power , and the pretensions and ambitions to exercise this power are already clear for all to see in the plans for European integration .
24 ‘ Zero defects ’ are the goal that suppliers must strive to achieve in terms of quality .
25 P appealed to the High Court , contending that no part of his interest ‘ came to an end ’ within para 4(2) ; he had merely disposed of shares in Q. Similarly , para 4(2) was not deemed to operate by virtue of para 4(1) , which provided that a disposal of an interest in possession of any property was not a transfer of value , but should be treated as the coming to the end of an interest in possession , bringing into play para 4(2) .
26 I think it must have been out of doors , because what I recall most is the way she seemed to dwindle on planes of blue . ’
27 Amount and type of strain are being studied in a range of settings , selected to differ in terms of job demands , discretion and support .
28 Questions should therefore be framed to look for attitudes of mind rather than simple quantity and frequency of use .
29 However , the inspectors were not empowered to deal with questions of compensation and other financial matters .
30 Nevertheless , in seeking to build by means of perestroika a political system within which various interests could be harmonized , the CPSU was also a " political organization of the entire people " .
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