Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both governments agreed to try to restart the political talks on Northern Ireland early in 1993 .
2 Conversely , if we are concerned about ex post outcomes , we would not be happy about treating the person as receiving the average , or actuarial , benefit from government spending ( e.g. , on health ) , and would want to try to measure the actual provision in relation to need .
3 He was expected to continue to pursue the broad objectives of the outgoing government , including regional peace in accordance with President Arias 's 1987 peace plan ( Esquipulas II — see p. 35441-42 ) , to which he had initially been opposed .
4 I expect to continue to make the same kind of pictures . ’
5 Our second bureau is based on or around a traditional typesetting service where they have seen customers moving to in-house production using desktop publishing and want to continue to service the high quality end of the market .
6 In developing the short list of manufacturing locations he proposed to establish to produce the new products which would incorporate all the latest technologies , he had detailed the comparative costs of manufacture per country and identified the economic and commercial advantages and disadvantages of selling components into specific European countries from single and dual manufacturing sources .
7 Rolle has to try to meet the linguistic challenge which faces any mystical writer : to define and point towards the nature of an experience which is in essence ineffable .
8 Not all vessels bother to try to release the trapped dolphins from the tuna nets , especially if there is no observer on board .
9 He needs to try to see the subtler reasons for this mood .
10 Both Parties appear to wish to maintain the current level of spending in relation to other government expenditure and possibly to sever Education from the Ministry of Culture .
11 The problem for Mr Lamont is that he has to attempt to control the public spending deficit but at the same time not take any measures that might stall a sluggish recovery .
12 Yet in both types of narrative the basic question the writer has to ask to establish the next unit of text is " What happened next ? "
13 Mutalibov immediately declared a state of emergency in Baku , and cancelled presidential elections , due to be held on June 7 and widely expected to bring to power the Popular Front candidate , Abulfaz Elchibey .
14 Even when he was being particularly careful not to offend , he seemed to manage to say the wrong thing .
15 Six EC countries have threatened to refuse to ratify the UNCED Convention on Climate Change [ see ED 59/60 ] unless agreement can be reached on an EC-wide energy tax .
16 Rachel offered her her dressing-gown , but Maggie seemed to want to keep the Chinese silk around her .
17 Whether that occurs depends on its responses to the issue that is going to continue to dominate the political scene — the economy in general and the consequences of Exchange Rate Mechanism membership in particular .
18 However , I was going to try to pull the right strings .
19 Well , we 're going to try to provide the first steps towards uniformity .
20 Additional yaw will also occur if the ailerons are used to try to stop the dropping wing because of the extra aileron drag .
21 SelecTronics have had to struggle to survive the recent difficulties .
22 What formula are we going to find to get the ordinary people of Ulster to vote on real issues which concern them and not on the entrenched sectarian issues into which we are brainwashed .
23 If the landlord prefers to covenant to maintain the outer half of all internal non load-bearing walls dividing the premises from other parts of the building and recovering the cost via the service charge , the tenant should ensure that any sums collected by the landlord from other tenants under the terms of their leases to maintain their half of the divisional wall should be deducted from the service charge .
24 When most of the helium in a star is used up , the nuclei begin to fuse to become the heavier elements at the core , liberating new energy .
25 ‘ But it turned out that Liz was also desperately worried about how she and Owen were going to manage to pay the huge hospital bills .
26 And this time we 're really going to get to see the Blue Grotto .
27 ‘ You 're going to have to describe the Mattli collection to me .
28 ‘ Look at the amount of playing and training the top rugby players do , ’ points out Barclay , who reckons that Scotland 's cricketers are now going to have to put the same amount of time and effort into their game to get to the top level .
29 The problem in all such charity-backed schemes is that , whereas cash has been raised for buildings and equipment , somebody is going to have to fund the day-to-day running and staffing .
30 But shortly after settling in , she realised she was going to have to change the whole layout of the ground floor to accommodate a new kitchen .
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