Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [coord] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the event the Loyal Citizens failed to appear and the only incident occurred when a small group began to sing ‘ God Save the Queen ’ as the demonstrators struck up with ‘ We shall overcome ’ .
2 When you do that , a couple of menus appear which lets you choose the utilities you want to install and the hard drive on which to place them .
3 There 's a song , ‘ Bright Lights ’ , which is about doing what you want , outside of the realms of what you were programmed to do and the inner process of achieving those goals ’
4 The introduction of economic reforms in urban areas also bore Zhao 's hallmark and he was committed to reform and the open-door policy .
5 The difficulty of distinguishing between the kind of case which a tribunal has to determine and the statutory description of the situation which the tribunal must decide is the root cause of the problem .
6 Both coxes steered well and the blades did not appear to touch but the youthful Chick probably won the battle against Cambridge 's Andy Probert .
7 The defendant failed to comply and the local authority carried out the requisite works and served two demands , on 31 May 1984 and 25 April 1985 , for the costs .
8 ‘ It 's something I would like to do but the big question is which direction to go in .
9 ( b ) The hips then begin to turn and the kicking foot rises to the side
10 Without that provision , either the appointing authority will have to be persuaded to act and the other party persuaded to drop its objections , or an application would have to be made to the court for a declaration as to whether the reference should proceed .
11 From this joke the seed began to germinate and the whole idea of Norseman Park was formed with CF–DRD as the centre-piece of the whole complex .
12 Stiff westerly winds made forward passage difficult , and the little boats had to tack this way and that within the narrow confines of the Strait 's exit , before the funnel began to widen and the open sea to present itself Magellan , now perfectly confident of his discovery , named the waters Estrecho do Todos los Santos — All Saints ' Strait .
13 The reduction was regarded by Ministers as modest grounds for hope that the high level of imports is at last beginning to ease and the three-month picture shows a 13.4pc fall in the deficit .
14 Here , Mrs Pettifer began to interject but the small gentleman silenced her with a flap of the wrist which was altogether not very gentlemanly and proved too much for the great lady detective who made a more purposeful interjection of her own .
15 And when the economy began to collapse and the political optimism of the 1960s and early 1970s began to tarnish , it was women who saw our jobs , our wages , our support services and our educational opportunities become the first and most serious casualties of the new depression .
16 As time passed and urban politics , at least , became more open and genuinely representative , the old , artificial party system began to crumble and the Liberal Monarchy itself to appear insecure .
17 The TV high in the corner was tuned to KWEX and the Spanish commentator was getting as frantic as the fighters .
18 But this last is precisely what Mr Lawson has long wanted to do and the Prime Minister absolutely forbidden .
19 He came after Billy 's mother and father had gone to sleep and the whole house was quiet .
20 Since the Plaza Agreement the US current account deficit had continued to increase and the current account surpluses of West Germany and Japan also continued to rise substantially .
21 Eventually the institution will find itself in the residual phase , in which the external constituency has ceased to exist and the biological growth is eroded by the loss to the movement of the uninterested children of the members .
22 They sat sipping the strong , dark brew and chatted idly about nothing in particular , enjoying the warm velvety air , the star-dusted turquoise sky slowly changing to amethyst and the heady-sweet scent from a clump of yellow broom .
23 To get the sledge ready you anchor it firmly ; this is vital because once you have attached your first dog he will start to tow and the whole shooting match will be long gone by the time you get back with your second dog .
24 It is not the certificate as such that we wish to include but the underlying deposit , which is a time deposit just like all other time deposits that appear in such definitions .
25 The scale of these stations was dictated not only by the numbers of passengers they had to handle and the imperial power they had to represent , but by the complexity of the Indian railway operation , and the range of facilities that had to be made available to the hierarchic and heterogeneous nature of the passenger traffic .
26 All these disputes were about the same theme : the nature of the Europe that the Six wished to construct and the proper relationship between the Community and the member states .
27 ‘ Should the negotiations be unsuccessful , it is unlikely that the group would be able to continue to trade and the going concern basis would cease to be appropriate , ’ comment the auditors .
28 Disciplinary action is taken against any pharmacist who fails to comply and the royal society 's inspectors , in their role as enforcers of both the Medicines Act and the profession 's code of standards , visit community pharmacists regularly .
29 Hunger depends more on the access rural peasants have to land and the small farmer 's control of the land rather than the density of population .
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