Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [conj] the [noun] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Where claims involve losses in these areas during the winter period stated , they should be carefully checked to see if the clause has been complied with .
2 Or do you want to wait until the Law turns up ? ’
3 Those things will help Courtaulds and they tend to come when the economy improves .
4 Perhaps the notice could be altered to indicate that the path leads only as far as the river .
5 Ca n't wait to see if the water has passed .
6 As each car approaches the commentator 's microphone the whine of its engine rises , and then starts to fall as the car passes the microphone and moves away round the circuit .
7 However , the terms implied by sections 12–15 are designed to see that the buyer receives certain basic benefits from the transaction .
8 Bosch has introduced an ‘ intelligent ’ 9.6 volt battery pack for cordless power tools : with this pack , you do n't need to guess whether the battery needs recharging .
9 you understand that the honourable gentleman wants to establish that the government has been extraordinarily dilatory , that er there is a massive delay , there is problem for electoral registration officers because that the regulations , the regulations depend upon a directive .
10 They may think the experimenter wants to know himself and not realise that he just wants to know whether the child knows the answer .
11 He said it was obscene that PowerGen could cause anguish and anxiety in the families of 6,000 staff working for Trainload Freight and added : ‘ There will be a public outrage if the Government does not act to ensure that the traffic stays with the railways . ’
12 Signalling by diffusion can work well for small organisms , but it is limited ; diffusion of chemical signals over long distances is slow and inefficient , as it can not be specifically targeted to ensure that the signal arrives only at the cell it was intended for .
13 I want to ensure that the system works properly and effectively , but I assure Opposition Members that , if they persuade and encourage welfare rights organisations to make speculative claims , they are not helping those who are in real need .
14 A scavenging agent , ethylene di-bromide or EDB , is also added to ensure that the lead compounds in the exhaust gases remain in vapour form , otherwise metallic lead would be deposited inside the engine .
15 ‘ Community law as it now stands … does not preclude a member state , in authorising one of its vessels to fish against national quotas , from laying down conditions designed to ensure that the vessel has a real economic link with that state if that link concerns only the relations between that vessel 's fishing operations and the populations dependent on fisheries and related industries ; …
16 All these obligations are designed to ensure that the tenant keeps up the real value of the scheme and that the landlord 's income remains as high as possible .
17 Ultimately the law has responded to this problem by intervening to try to ensure that the market resembles as closely as possible the paradigm of perfect competition , outlawing monopoly and trade practices that deviate from that paradigm .
18 Instead , the buyer should seek to ensure that the consideration reflects the higher risk to the buyer and the terms which the seller wants for completing the disposal .
19 Where we are commissioned by outside bodies to produce reports on the environment , we should seek to ensure that the copyright rests with us ( Para 25 ) .
20 ‘ I always want to live where the sun shines , ’ she told Louise .
21 Michael Alison , Tory MP for Selby , said that under the act a jury has to decide whether the material has a tendency to deprave or corrupt .
22 In rare circumstances a purchaser may seek to argue that the vendor has breached a warranty to such an extent that it considers the vendor to have repudiated the contract .
23 Indeed , it may be that it goes further , and effectively means that the seller has not undertaken to deliver the goods at all , so that it may be argued that the seller has undertaken no obligation and , prior to delivery , there is only a unilateral contract under which the buyer is committed to pay if the seller delivers .
24 The shareholding structure of a private company target will therefore need to be carefully considered to ascertain whether the transaction comes within the exemption .
25 The parties to the scheme will need to check whether the target has any overseas shareholders .
26 The hands appear to stop when the clock gets to the boundary .
27 You can you go to church every Sunday , sing the choruses or the hymns , listen to what the man has to say or the lady has to say at the front , and it can just go over your head and it can mean nothing to you apart from something that you believe might be true .
28 With it , Nozick can and does find independent support for his theory ; he wants to say that the theory gets things right here .
29 It would be wrong to make them pay the price of justice — although this might nudge us into remembering that innocent wives and children and other dependents are made to suffer when the state imprisons thousands of working-class men for crimes which are often insignificant compared with corporate crimes .
30 Later today , North West MPs from Merseyside , Cheshire , Lancashire and Manchester are meeting to demand that the Government keeps its promise to maintain the pits earmarked for closure .
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