Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the early 1970s the new counties of Humberside and Avon were expected to grow rapidly as the population of the country expanded .
2 He or she could not be expected to emerge simply as the result of exposure to the properly approved values , though such exposure was crucial , hence the importance of suitable club workers , in particular those with a public-school background .
3 Thus the various indications , airspeed , altitude , rate of climb , attitude and magnetic heading were seen to move exactly as the pilot 's instruments had operated as the accident approached .
4 It says much for Robertson that in spite of the general disorder he still contrived to look dangerous and Craig Levein and Derek Ferguson strove to play properly as the rubbish raged around them .
5 Mediterranean-style plants are happiest in full sun and growing in soil which tends to dry out as the ground bakes during summer .
6 Only a slight chill in the air gave any indication that it was autumn , and even that was beginning to fade away as the sun blazed down again out of a clear blue sky .
7 The Doctor began to talk faster as the pain built up .
8 Grant felt a gentle lethargy creeping over him , and the aches and pains of his battered body began to ebb away as the drug started to take effect .
9 It can " be done in spring or autumn when the soil is moist , but not waterlogged or dry , and if it is still warm from summer , or beginning to warm up as the spring sun appears .
10 Bayonets were carefully sharpened then fixed ; hearts began to beat faster as the minutes passed , and they waited in silence for the command to advance .
11 Her voice began to peter out as the tears threatened .
12 Others will need small sails in the afternoon , and may sometimes have to retire ashore as the wind picks up .
13 In most cases , the ministers not directly involved had either read the brief late the previous night , or started to do so as the argument proceeded . ’
14 Jake started to slow down as the station came in sight , and Shiona turned to him , pulling a face .
15 Buyers will have to move quickly as the discounts apply to anyone who can complete by the end of January .
16 Feeling very daring , I would sit in a circle with them on the grass in Powis Square , and pretend to drink deeply as the cider or barley wine bottle passed around .
17 Miss Fergusson , umbrella aloft and pistol at her belt led the way with the certain tread of the righteous ; Miss Logan , dangling her bag of lemons , struggled to keep up as the terrain grew more precipitous ; their Kurdish guide , weighed down with baggage , brought up the rear .
18 I went to wash up as the table edge trembled to a familiar sick-to-the-gut miasma of nothingness .
19 Mac came in fifth but with the same time as Richard , the Frenchman , and after a British protest he was allowed to go forward as the track had a nine-lane straight .
20 Nevertheless , he continued to prevaricate even as the Dec. 20 deadline for registering as a candidate for the New Hampshire contest approached , while indicating that he might yet join the contest for his party 's presidential nomination if he could satisfactorily resolve the current impasse between himself and the state legislature over the budget .
21 He also postulated that when they reached a certain length they fractured , producing several shorter lengths of shape-specific polymer which then continued to grow again as the potentization process was continued .
22 We had to pause awhile as the body of a suicide , dragged by the feet , was taken by city bailiffs to be dumped in the city ditch .
23 His two elderly companions had to watch helplessly as the skinheads attacked Mr Leonard on Vane Terrace .
24 Maybe the tide will start to turn shortly as the avant-garde begin to lead the way back to the old traditions .
25 In thunderous silence he raced to the traffic lights and had to brake hard as the lights changed .
26 Beside him , James continued to moan loudly as the pain seemed to intensify .
27 He prayed that none would be tempted to act wrongly as the deceased had done .
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