Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's quite usual to pay a deposit to show that you intend to go ahead with the deal and if you back out the repairer is entitled to keep the money .
2 ‘ Do you want to go on with the lesson , or stand about talking all day long ? ’
3 Do you want to go ahead with the Tuesday stall ?
4 I can imagine him being one of these , these , these er husbands who just want , who want , who will want to go out with the lads on his night out and will get , you know , he 's a , he 's ste I can imagine him being one of these stereotypical husbands who goes out , gets pissed , comes back , who wants the dinner on the table and
5 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
6 We do n't want to fall out with the villagers over this .
7 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
8 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
9 Kayersbridge Farm in Hurst , Berkshire , was making its second appearance at auction : auctioneer Gary Murphy had sold it in December for £262,000 to a bidder who failed to come up with the money .
10 It may therefore be proposed that BRAC 's programme failed to communicate properly with the practitioners and consequently alienated them with regard to the concept of the lobon-gur mixture .
11 President , Congress , Roy London Region moving motion two five five on the T & G. Colleagues , let's make it clear , this motion is not opposed to a merger of the T & G. What it seeks to do is put forward another idea which is to continue to work closely with the T & G on a wide range of jointly agreed .
12 The USA had previously been opposed to such involuntary repatriation , as had the Vietnamese government , but the latter was expected to go along with the initiative , given its current desire to restore diplomatic relations with the USA .
13 But his interests appear to remain firmly with the purchasers ' ‘ needs ’ — and pockets — as he advises : ‘ If you want to buy a girl from one of the escort firms it will cost you quite a lot .
14 Next year , I want to carry on with the course , and do my Highers as well . ’
15 Now she 's selling , but nobody wants to carry on with the music.Debbie Kelly reports .
16 The implementation group wants to work closely with the health unions and staff and professional organisations .
17 Secondly , there is the regional flood defence committee , whose members will be expected to come up with the lion 's share of the cash .
18 She tried to catch up with the machine , but she did n't want to attract any undue attention from the IMC troopers , and the thing seemed determined to ignore her .
19 However , on Dec. 11 the Israeli Foreign Minister , Moshe Arens , dampened the mood of optimism by calling for further assurances that Israel would not be expected to talk directly with the PLO .
20 It just has to walk downstairs with the Queen on a lead and sit beside her .
21 Gorbachev , in his response to the results , nonetheless claimed that they had received a mandate for the ‘ renewal and strengthening of the union state ’ and promised to press ahead with the conclusion of the union treaty and a new constitution .
22 In this section I want to deal only with the question of selection of a code for a particular interaction .
23 It has to do partly with the feeling , particularly powerful in the 19th century , that the proper role of education , at least at the top end , was to equip gentlemen to run the Empire ; and it seemed reasonable at the time to concentrate not upon mechanics , but upon grand ideals , and the classics were studied as if they were a form of theology , a way of revealing fundamental and lasting human truths This , perhaps , is why anti-science is strongest in Britain , because we took Empire most seriously .
24 The accountants had made it clear to the Committee that they did not accept the findings of the DTI reports ( which formed the basis for the inquiry ) , and that documents they would need to deal further with the matter were no longer available .
25 It will take about four years to complete , and is expected to coincide closely with the widening of the M4 and M25 motorways .
26 The officers are backed up by four police cars whose job is to try to keep up with the train on nearby roads and help catch the faster of the trespassers fleeing from their colleagues on the trackside .
27 Or , for that matter , what good is it to the teacher who has to keep up with the ins and outs of teaching reading and who needs to diagnose the difficulties of Jason , Amil and Della and then advise a colleague on how to help them ?
28 What else do I need to consider along with the staff ?
29 The craftsman has to interact emotionally with the pattern .
30 that past consideration is no consideration ) is frequently evaded by means of the fiction that the promise made subsequent to the consideration merely fixes the amount due under an earlier promise deemed to exist contemporaneously with the consideration .
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