Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It would be a crime not to take it when you want to go eastwards out of the Ossau valley .
2 Yeah , but there ca n't be there ca n't be enough o , enough erm te ten thousands and this has to go right up to the top .
3 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
4 You know er it has to come really out of the Christmas Fair or Sir 's donations , something unallocated .
5 There is still a high integration workload and the business has to look further out into the future to enable it to respond to the changes and opportunities likely to occur in the industry .
6 In performance suitable inner parts are required ( for a suggested reconstruction see ex.1 ) — and the dance needs to run straight on from the Coridon and Mopsa dialogue .
7 When a scuffle broke out , Saville moved to get away out of the way and fell awkwardly . ’
8 ‘ John will do it ; you 'll not be wanting to go back out in the rain . ’
9 As Daphne said this there flashed into Cecilia 's mind that conversation with Tina , that terrible thing Tina had said , and another thought , one that seemed to swim up out of the deep waters of her unconscious , the idea that she , Cecilia Darne , yes , she , had once long ago met the right girl , and here was that right girl talking to her now of something , oh , so akin to what Tina meant …
10 The sensation seemed to spread right down to the very pit of her stomach .
11 ‘ That said , I felt we deserved to take more out of the game and I will need to check the papers before I believe the result . ’
12 I 've got to go right on to the end of whatever all this is , because I ca n't go back .
13 If it was flat on it was the same because he 's got to go right through to the sline before he could get anything you see ?
14 You know very often , in fact usually the best way of working things out is to go right back to the beginning is n't it , it , to start off at square one and the trouble is sometimes we want to start in the middle , we want to pick it up where we think we can come in and it does n't work that way , we 've got to go right back to the beginning , and what is it at the beginning , well we look to see how God , what God 's plan and his purpose for us is , how God made us , it tells us there in the book of Genesis in the first chapter in verse twenty seven , that God created us to be like himself and you 've got to look in the mirror and I 've got to look in the mirror , not just the glass mirror on the wall , but into the mirror of ourselves and realise we do n't have to be intellectuals , we do n't have to be astute observers , but even the very cursory of glances will show to us that were nothing like it , if God made you and me to be in his image , then something has gone wrong , but that 's how we started , that is how he made us and in making us to be like himself that does something tremendous because it gives to men and women , it gives to human kind a status and a responsibility in creation , he did not make you and me like the animals , no matter how wonderful their abilities are , they 've got tremendous instincts , they 've got tremendous homing instincts , how that tiny bird weighing , weighing less than an ounce can fly thousands and thousands of miles , for the first time and come back , six , nine months later to the very spot where it was hatched out of an nest , now you ca n't do it , I ca n't do it , but for all wonders that God has put into the , into his , to his creative to his , in , in his creation , in animals , in birds and in other creatures , he has done something that marks you and I humanity out above and beyond all his others creation , he has given to us a status and a responsibility
15 By this time , the whirligig of time had actually brought Hill back into fashion , and I hope that his shade had a cackle at the sight of the Thames executives attempting to clamber back on to the bandwagon .
16 ‘ You did n't really think some sort of Grandson Richard , 39 , was going to swoop down out of the sky and carry us off to Florida , did you ?
17 She turned to stare fixedly out of the window , furiously blinking away the moisture which was threatening to fill her eyes , and trying to ignore a large lump which seemed to have become stuck in her throat .
18 I keep as many of your letters as I can store to look back on at the turn of the century , which we 're both going to see !
19 You 've got to play down on to the ball .
20 On present performance he was going to start way back on the grid unless the problem was sorted out ; but she knew it would be .
21 and you 've got to get back down on the shop do it .
22 He is also replacing his receiver and turning to gaze thoughtfully out of the window .
23 With his free hand he started shaking his wallet until the money began to fall out on to the desk .
24 She turned away from him and began to walk blindly back to the car .
25 Cover the tank well , as Apple Snails like to climb right out of the water ; the eggs are also laid out of water .
26 They did not make any hurry about it and Balor writhed and flailed helplessly and blood began to run out on to the ground beneath him .
27 He did n't have to be told why he should hurry — the sea was already beginning to trickle over on to the upper deck .
28 Forming into a huge and solidly packed square the combined army began to move steadily back towards the gate .
29 Constance had been sound asleep for an hour before the double-engined train began to jerk laboriously out of the station , leaving many travellers on the platform to wait who knew how long for the next express .
30 However — given some perception along the way we do n't have to go right back to the beginning again .
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