Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He said that if either the Conservatives or Labour sought to go it alone as a minority Government they risked an economic crisis and rising interest rates .
2 It was released in space on Oct. 19 to begin a six-year 2,500-million-mile voyage to study the planet Jupiter , on a gravitationally assisted trajectory planned to swing it once past the planet Venus and twice around the Earth .
3 The Allied politicians lacked understanding , and yet they did not hesitate to place a barrier to Germany 's growth , and having placed that barrier , did not think to support it effectively in the years to come .
4 ‘ I do n't want to meet them again in a hurry .
5 However , after a lively meeting with directors , Reg was persuaded to carry on as coach by three men in a hearse who asked to meet him outside during a beer break .
6 And , no doubt , if ever John Hall discovers the identity of the anonymous benefactor who spilt the beans , he will want to shake him warmly by the hand and offer him thanks on behalf of his club and the good of all in English rugby .
7 To the uninitiated it might seem that the shunters are engaged in a game of hide-and-seek with the trucks ; they appear to scatter them all over the yard , as if their object were to separate many of them as completely as possible .
8 I tried to kill myself twice in the space of ten days ,
9 She tried to see him dispassionately as a grey-haired solicitor rather too well endowed with easy charm ; indeed , she saw him thus , but she also saw him otherwise , and could not help herself .
10 While Cleo and Dauntless tried to arrange themselves comfortably upon the sacking — which smelled malodorous in the extreme , as if the dogs had been using it as a toilet Apanage busied herself with the ghost-bagging equipment .
11 He got hold of the polished tip of one of his shoes , and tried to pull himself away from the wall .
12 I left them in the self-induced bedlam of a Harvey Nichols changing room , and promised to meet them later at the flat to examine our spoils , then went to meet Dee .
13 He tried to wipe them away on the sleeve of the plaid shirt , but it was no good .
14 I have been encouraged to find that the young are not so predisposed to put me aside at the age of seventy and that a new generation of students and artists regard me as something of a cult figure .
15 But I wanted to try to put it right in the eyes of every football follower in the country , and rectify the idea that I was a 100 per cent failure like everyone thought I was .
16 ‘ But I wanted to try to put it right in the eyes of every football follower in the country , and rectify the idea that I was a 100 per cent failure , which is what everyone thought I was . ’
17 The Poet evidently wants to detach himself totally from the Friend , stand away from him as if he might suffer corruption or contagion by going any nearer .
18 Either the man she is with is not ready for a long-term commitment , he may be violent and she wants to keep him away from the child .
19 Snow piled against it , threatening to destroy it , but this helped to protect it eventually as the snow wall hardened and compacted .
20 Staff members tried to keep them away from the soft-hearted President , consigning them to the Vice-president not because Bush was more callous , North explained , but because it was Reagan who had to make the policy decisions .
21 I have worked for him for more than three years and have come to admire him both as a doctor and a man .
22 Still , ideas that the reflective pronoun herself and the item anyone which is called a negative polarity item , the item anyone needs to have something else in the sentence in order to license them they ca n't just occur freely in the normal position for er nouns , even though they are nouns .
23 Acceptance of the separate stages of rehearsal , drafting , revision , editing and publishing as normal practice for writers encourages children with special needs to express their ideas in writing more confidently than was possible when children were expected to get everything right at the first attempt .
24 ‘ In a moment I want to take you across to the Rosemount wing .
25 I propose to say something now about the principal functions of a parliamentary agent in the promotion of legislation .
26 She got into the flat-bottomed boat and tried to push it away from the bank but the pole stuck in the mud and the boat was too heavy for her to move .
27 Oh very much so because I mean all through this er through this period the communists are making , they , they want to unite themselves firmly with the peasants
28 He wondered if they had come to take him away to a Home for ungrateful and unwanted children .
29 One such moment was Thursday night , when a mini-cab firm quoted me the price of a fare home , and the driver ( after taking a circuitous route around London ) tried to charge me well over the odds .
30 SEXY singer Anita Dels had to be rescued by security guards after fans tried to drag her offstage during a packed gig .
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