Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I did not want to worry him in his last moments , so I did not tell him that Linton was also dying .
2 I 've pulled him out of it I pulled him out of it for the simple reason , he is the only one which is , I did n't want to segregate him on his own .
3 Such rituals and procedures are designed to restore them to their proper place within the people of God and within the inner circle of his blessing .
4 She caught sight of the children and , in a sudden paroxysm of words , tried to admonish them in her own language interspersed with Arabic , while announcing breakfast to me in English .
5 He wants to restore it to its original castellated glory to provide a home for wife Annie and two sons and realise a 15-year dream .
6 From time to time we have copies of WWF News and other member communications returned to us because people have moved house and forgotten to inform us of their new address .
7 Second , to better understand such ideas as ‘ press freedom ’ , one needs to relate them to their original context .
8 It was pointless to try to catch them on their own ground as their friends were too numerous and their alibis too readily available .
9 Any proper examination of those models would need to set them in their philosophical and social contexts .
10 But to ensure quality dental care at affordable prices , there is a growing number of private plans on the market that have been designed to help you with your dental bills .
11 The other member , who might have been expected to buy it for his own son , a young man recently qualified in law , did not at first do so ; he said business was unreliable , there were not enough clients , the reputation of the firm had been allowed to run down .
12 I do n't want to put it in me deposit you see , I want to put it in my next year 's commitment
13 Putting out a hand to pick up her brush , intending to try to do something about her limp blonde hair , Laura gave a yelp of dismay as she caught sight of the time on her wrist-watch .
14 The answer to the first problem is obviously to try to do something about your domestic traffic problems .
15 You want to leave me on my own tonight and go to a disco and let some spotty lout put his arms about you ? ’
16 They tried to give us to our ancient enemies in 1912 , 1974 , 1985 and now we 've had the ‘ Brooke initiative ’ which was another attempt by Westminster to be rid of us .
17 But he wants to keep it in his own hands .
18 One obvious answer is that they want to protect themselves against their own tendency to act rashly , in the heat of passion .
19 We had to move from Renishaw Road to a smaller house in Thorne Road at the other end of Nottingham , a move dictated by financial considerations , but which in a way pleased Mother as it helped to distance her from her old set of friends .
20 If she wants to end it after your trivial flingette , that 's her right .
21 In many such cases earners of the foreign currency might be expected to exchange it for their own .
22 Rosie promised to take me on her next day off . ’
23 He ruled the new generation with a rod , boys who had worshipped the hero as kids and tried to emulate him in their tennis-ball pick-up games — ‘ Bags I be Washy ! ’
24 Nigel tried to confront her with her little secret that evening .
25 Given very wide regional and local variations in deposition , questions must be raised about the effectiveness of such a small network ; local authorities will need to supplement it with their own networks .
26 I 'm not really used to being so personal or so open about things in public but want to tell you of my great sadness in life .
27 The Conservatives under John Major tried to distinguish themselves from their Thatcherite past by stressing a commitment to quality public services .
28 Scorpios are intensely possessive and jealous individuals , and whether you like it or not , your Adam Burns has decided to claim you for his own . ’
29 It was against this background that Peter Thompson , the chief executive of NFC , together with his chairman , Bobby Lawrence , came to see me in my small office on the Cabinet floor of the House of Commons on 18 May 1981 .
30 Just before he died , Leonard Cheshire came to see us with his fellow members of the Order of Merit .
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