Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] the high [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Furious Tory MPs now want to go to the High Court to force a new ballot .
2 Leave was refused at first instance and in the Court of Appeal , though a few months later a Practice Direction ( [ 1986 ] 2 All ER 226 ) was issued indicating the collective view of the judges that solicitors should be permitted to appear in the High Court or Court of Appeal in formal or unopposed proceedings .
3 She wants to play at the highest standard .
4 If not , he argues , players should be able to opt for another country if — like John Gallagher or the Samoans playing in the All Black trials — they want to play at the highest level regardless of country .
5 Not everyone wants to pay for the highest level of service available , so clients can select the level of service they require .
6 The N terminal pentapeptide of pancreatic procolipase is highly conserved in nature with only three forms found to occur in the higher vertebrates , VPDPR , VPGPR , and the APGPR form found in humans and chickens .
7 This is a useful technique for systems designed to operate at the highest speeds , where the time taken for the initial current build.up exceeds the step period , so that chopping action does not have time to begin in an excited phase ( Acarnley , 1984 ) .
8 Akinwande 's manager , Mickey Duff , offered Schulz 's handlers £75,000 to come to London but they rejected it and the rematch is destined to go to the highest bidder .
9 Legend held that once a year an angel came to dance on the highest peak .
10 It is a matter of common observation that shingle tends to accumulate on the higher parts of the beach while the lower parts are essentially sandy .
11 In mid-afternoon the first glints of steel in the spring sunshine began to appear on the high ground of Scremerston Brae , and soon the long hill down to sea-level was covered in a vast tide of men and horses , armour gleaming , banners waving , under a faint haze of steam rising from thousands of beasts long ridden , muting the colours of plumed helmets , heraldic surcoats , painted shields and horse-trappings .
12 As the casualty lists mounted , so signs of strain began to appear within the higher commands on both sides , almost simultaneously .
13 The IDA threatened to return to the High Court with a list of names of those defying the injunction .
14 Blandford was sent to Pentonville on Tuesday for failing to comply with the High Court order to pay the arrears .
15 CHINKS of light are at last starting to shine through the high street gloom , reports Courts , the furniture stores business best known for its irritating TV ads .
16 This at a time when the book clubs are coming to trade in the high street .
17 The close integration of Herbarium , Garden and Library is one of the great strengths of the Royal Botanic Garden and helps to account for the high quality of its scientific , educational , and horticultural activities .
18 Numerous purges in the regions were designed to root out less than committed fascists , which helps to account for the high turnover of membership in the 1930s ; A.K. Chesterton in particular was notorious for the war he waged against literal social fascists , being responsible for expelling over 300 members in Stoke in 1935 who used the local headquarters as a drinking club .
19 The rubbish companies run into other problems as they try to push through the higher charges justified by their rising costs .
20 The same fate befell the likes of Alan Hudson , Rodney Marsh , Tony Currie and Charlie George — all of whom were discarded even before their qualities were allowed to flourish at the highest level .
21 THE Royal Society for the Protection of Birds was yesterday given leave to challenge in the High Court a development scheme which it fears will damage the environment .
22 ‘ Look at the players who have come through and learned to compete at the highest level ’ , the captain said before citing Wright , Carl Hogg and the 20-year-old Kenny Logan , all new caps .
23 I played against Wayne Biggins , who had a tremendous game , so I know how much I 've got to learn to compete at the highest level .
24 He hastily ordered large amounts of red ochre to be brought from Elephantine and to be ground to powder by the High Priest of Heliopolis and stirred into seven thousand jugs of beer .
25 Add the Yorkshire pudding batter to the tin and leave to cook on the highest shelf for 25–30 minutes until golden brown and crisp .
26 The council said its previous attempts to stop Sunday trading at a variety of businesses had been unsuccessful and the Trust would be allowed to trade until the High Court hearing which could be ‘ months away . ’
27 Odinga had planned to appeal to the High Court against the government 's refusal to register his National Democratic Party ( NDP ) , whose formation on Feb. 13 [ see p. 37995 ] was seen as a direct challenge to the one-party rule of Moi 's Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) .
28 Rather , the socialist leaders were trying to intervene in the high politics of Europe by means of a deliberately constructed myth .
29 ‘ Britain 's less adaptable , less skilled work-force is one of the reasons it has got stuck trying to compete with the high volume , low-wage countries . ’
30 These protect the timber from insects and rots but they also help to account for the high cost of working the best tropical woods because the silica blunts tools very quickly and the splinters of greenheart are poisonous .
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