Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was treated with nebulised salbutamol , which relieved the symptoms , and was reassured and asked to attend the general medical unit of her hospital for follow up .
2 In return , the Soviet Union pledges its support for the sanctity of Iraq 's own borders , promises to veto any attempt to impose penalties on Iraq , including any trial of Mr Hussein himself , and commits itself to helping to arrange a subsequent international discussion of regional issues .
3 In the other three novels frothy dialogue and sparkling wit tend to overshadow the deeper philosophical issues at stake .
4 This was certainly true of his year as social security minister , where Major would prefer to be remembered for dispensing fivers to freezing pensioners in the form of severe-weather payments ( even though they received only one each for one week ) , than for helping to draft the 1988 Social Security Act .
5 From the Palace of Holyroodhouse , a very special order has been received to weave a spectacular new carpet for the historic Throne Room within the Palace itself .
6 And presently revulsion gave way to indifference : he ceased to see the flaunted female bodies of advertisements and magazines because they had nothing to do with him , they were irrelevant .
7 In consequence , they tend to see a simple one-to-one relation between attitudes , interests , and group organisation , and so they take the interest group world as a given that arises " naturally " in a way that calls for no complicated explanation .
8 Thriving under the feet of elephants Quentin Cowdry goes to see a giant-slaying small firm which is
9 There was no reason to suppose that in proceedings under Order 5 , rule 5 , it was intended to enable a named representative defendant to claim against a member of the represented class without complying with the requirements of the county court rules .
10 It is intended to restore the former baronial mansion to its original internal splendour as a clubhouse for the proposed 18-hole golf course .
11 Since fencing is expensive , he will want to enclose the largest possible area with his 36m of fencing .
12 As a result of the bi-modal pattern of female involvement in paid employment ( reflecting the demands of child rearing ) , women tend to be absent from work during the period in which men tend to acquire the post-entry professional qualifications which are required for promotion .
13 In short , he sought to restore the Holy Roman Empire of Germany , Burgundy and Italy .
14 SKI resort bosses failed to alert a special medical team about the avalanche which killed seven people until 90 minutes afterwards , it was revealed yesterday .
15 SKI resort bosses failed to alert a special medical team about the avalanche which killed seven people until 90 minutes afterwards , it was revealed yesterday .
16 An all-female catering unit from Hainault , Essex , has won the first stage of a nationwide competition being held by Sutcliffe Catering to find the best Indian theme day at one of its units .
17 Our government does not want to obtain a total military victory . "
18 Now two High Court judges have refused to be cowed by the high-handed attitude and pressures of a Government which sought to impose a devastating pit-closure programme without following the proper legal procedures .
19 Only in the latter days of the town 's life as a centre of county magnificence were any real attempts made to establish an overall urban form and both resulted in failure , at least as financial ventures .
20 Some important issues were explored , from race relations and pre-school policy to issues of population change and the family , and the CPRS sought to establish a formal regular examination by Cabinet of social policy issues .
21 Every one of us , we would n't devote our time , our precious time serving in local government if we did n't believe in local government and did n't want to provide the best possible services to the people of this city .
22 It is now all too clear that despite US occupation of Southern Korea the Russians have intended to impose a united front policy throughout the country …
23 The action demonstrated the belief that Korea was ready for independence and was intended to forestall a lengthy American occupation or the Americans advancing Koreans of their own choice .
24 Rubbing away a thin film of ice , he peered through a small frame of snow — and saw Tom Hanks entering the farmyard , plodding doggedly behind a horse that was struggling to pull an improvised wooden snow-plough !
25 He did not proceed to university in his seventeenth year but was instead apprenticed for £630 to the London wholesale grocery firm of Newnham and Shipley , in Watling Street It was a large indenture payment and coming , as it did , soon after his father 's death in March 1743 , was probably intended to secure a profitable mercantile future for him .
26 The Physical Education Department and Edinburgh University Sports Union combine to provide a comprehensive physical recreation service .
27 Specialist departments combine to provide the widest possible spectrum of coverage .
28 However , plans to send members of the Japanese armed forces to the Gulf in a non-combat role had collapsed in November after Kaifu failed to secure the necessary bipartisan support for the measure 's approval in the House of Councillors — the upper chamber of the Diet — where the LDP lacked an overall majority .
29 Smash Hits will want to know about your make-up or your boxer shorts , Melody Maker leans towards aesthetics and primal therapy and the local Argus might just want to know a few biographical details and where your next gig is .
30 These titles are retrospectives , released by Savoy shortly after Parker 's premature death ( aged 35 ) ; with this handful of LPs , Savoy sought to encompass the late great alto saxophonist 's complete Savoy discography , which to all intents and purposes they do .
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