Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The British crown was expected to pass to the Dowager Duchess Sophia of Hanover , by virtue of the terms of the Act of Settlement , but Sophia died early in 1714 , shortly before Anne died on 1st .
2 ‘ The players have to take a heap of responsibility for what has happened at Celtic Park , ’ he said , ‘ but the squad is also made up of footballers who want to play in the manner Liam Brady has adopted as his philosophy on the game .
3 Besides the permanent members of the UN Security Council he proposed to invite to the conference Iran , India and representatives of the Islamic community .
4 he tried to get into the house Rhys were
5 He is expected to return in the Prix Niel .
6 When he came to look at the poem Miss Gilberd had intended to teach , Toby rather wondered at her judgement .
7 It was reported on March 17 that the Uzbek Supreme Soviet Presidium had decided to recall within a month Uzbek servicemen from republics not in the CIS ( the Baltic states and Georgia ) , from CIS member states establishing their own armed forces ( Ukraine , Moldova and Azerbaijan ) and from the Transcaucasus military district and Caspian flotilla .
8 My Lords , the Government er plans to dispose of the land St Pancreas site , once it is no longer needed for the building project , the British Library is preparing a case for retaining some of the land for further library buildings .
9 There is a general lack of belief in Wrexham that the Welsh Office intends to clean up the River Dee .
10 The bitch was wary of her advances and , though she condescended to pick at the food Robbie put down for her , she refused to leave the small cabin even to accompany the Labrador for an evening walk .
11 This happened to coincide with the moment Hugette Bouchardeau took over as France 's new , untried environment minister .
12 A Sea Harrier pilot ditched his aircraft in the English Channel after damaging a wing while attempting to land on the carrier HMS Ark Royal .
13 So he said how was you going to eat in the beginning Ann ?
14 I had already made up my mind what I was going to say by the time Frankie had rapped on the door .
15 Do you know , that 's the first time I began to wonder about the name Raphael .
16 Some of the brothers were busy in the scriptorium but I was greeted courteously and no one objected when I began to leaf through the manuscript Southgate had left upon the table .
17 But he insisted on continuing to live on the houseboat Duende , despite Joan 's pleadings to find somewhere with more room to accommodate the needs of their growing daughter Holly .
18 Instead , Paul , in his closing address , implicitly rebuked the Theological Commission for having refused to confer upon the Virgin Mary the title of ‘ Mother of the Church ’ in the chapter devoted to her in De Ecclesia .
19 Their Lordships are therefore of opinion that the defendants committed no breach of duty , whether contractual or fiduciary , by failing to reveal to the plaintiff Mr. Perot 's interest in buying Vertigo , since such information was confidential to Mr. Brant .
20 I went to sit in the pâtisserie Louis , on a fragile gilt chair , at a table with a pink linen cloth and a bowl of freesias .
21 It is unrealistic to assume that all the Palestinians currently living in the Arab states , whether still in refugee camps or integrated into their host society , could or would want to return to a West Bank-Gaza Palestinian state . ’
22 It was a relieving remedy , but patients had to go to the North Surrey hospital at Epsom for final clearance .
23 Yeah , folk here just never been out since New Year , then she had to work at the hospital Tuesday , well Bradley said if you do n't feel fit enough phone up and we 'll send a nurse to you I said you 're bloody mental , you ask for everything you get , I said instead of phoning the nurse in , ah but I think Alison told me they both need a good , good bloody feed they do
24 Every able-bodied man in Uig signed a petition asking that the parish should be disjoined from Lewis and added to Harris so that they could continue to benefit from the employment Lord Leverhulme offered .
25 They could n't be very quick because there was no electric light upstairs and they had to manage with the candle Carrie was holding .
26 The Hotel Manila has now been transformed into a Ramada Renaissance Hotel , with correspondingly high prices , so I prefer to stay at the Hotel Gaudi , still unspoilt , which has the advantage of being right opposite the enchanting Theatre Museum .
27 After Martin 's death his son Jean continued to reside at the rue de Harlay , and presumably became the master maker of the workshop .
28 Bert returned , unfulfilled , and with a gaunt bitter look to him that Alice continued to feel as an improvement Bert asked where Jasper was ; Alice , as usual covering up , said that Jasper had decided to visit a brother .
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30 4.4 The Distributor agrees to enter into a Trade Mark Licence Agreement with the Publisher to use the Publisher 's Trade Marks if and when requested by the Publisher .
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