Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [noun] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 We tried to give examples of the ways we could try to direct finance to help these sort of things happen .
2 A common mistake is to try to use lift on the way back instead of gliding on through it at a sensible speed .
3 Britain may not need to flaunt nationalism in the way characteristic of the United States but its education system can no more ignore the task of sustaining the national identity than education systems in any other nation-state .
4 And , since we 're talking about it , I want to make amends for the way I treated his mother .
5 But we mostly seemed to buy toys on the way somewhere to do something else .
6 Transactional analysis ( TA ) is the name given to a number of related concepts that seek to throw light on the way people behave and feel .
7 She met him emerging from their tall block of apartments as she was returning from work on the Friday evening , having stopped to buy groceries on the way home , her mind flying ahead to Luke 's arrival and all that she planned to say to him now that she had made up her mind to end their affair .
8 The ISE at the time of writing is attempting to implement changes in the way in which shares are floated .
9 Of all that hundred , only two are theoretically capable of producing the extremely intricate molecular structures that are needed to process energy in the way that is required .
10 Throughout the series , use is made of tables , diagrams , and charts which are used to sensitize students to the way in which written texts are structured and also to support the numerous information transfer activities that ensure that meaning is never lost .
11 If you are patient , however , you will gradually begin to notice changes in the way that you perform actions .
12 Some bankers , however , are beginning to have doubts about the way he bulldozes through his business aims .
13 If they are not , Mrs Thatcher will either have to reconsider her faith in the private sector always to do what she deems to be the right thing , or she will have to promote changes in the way in which the markets go about their business .
14 The research aims to increase understanding of the ways in which business organisations cope with the uncertainties inherent in new product development and marketing .
15 For example , we decided to pay attention to the way we looked so we all had our hair cut short — except Wally — and took to wearing Hush Puppies and jeans , a kind of mod look — which was odd considering that Malcolm had a shop which specialised in teddy boy gear .
16 In collecting biographical material fans were asked to give accounts of the ways in which they had come to their present position in the terraces and to indicate on a sketch plan of the London Road End , past , and projected future locations .
17 You 'll need to retrace your steps on the path you originally took to get part of the way to Shining Tor leading to the A537 .
18 Although study of the past can be useful for extrapolation into the future it is also imperative that investigation of contemporary processes is undertaken to assist understanding of the way in which environment operates now , operated in the past , and may operate in the future .
19 In order to make their claim that his decentred totality is still expressive and therefore essentialist , they have to ignore the arguments about temporality in the critique of the Hegelian essential section as ‘ the co-existence of presence ’ , and thus fail to do justice to the way in which Althusser constructs , as Foucault puts it , ‘ a counter-memory — a transformation of history into a totally different form of time ’ .
20 In broad terms , the paper argues that as each nation has different economic priorities , it should be allowed to cut emissions in the way that seems easiest to it .
21 In the afternoon she had to trust Ruth on the way home .
22 Now I , I think perhaps you 're worrying unduly , Jim in so far as , your , your men will continue to administer contracts in the way they do now .
23 Now , based on the information that you 've just taken down you need to give thought to the way in which you compile those .
24 It is a pity some of those guys do not get up and learn to do commerce in the way that the rest of the world has to and put to advantage their expensive educations which are paid for out of general taxes . ’
25 This court held that the board was required to give reasons for the way in which it had reached its award , and that in the absence of such reasons its award was prima facie irrational .
26 The authors have benefitted from a flying start , but have only chosen to run part of the way round the track .
27 We need to pay heed to the way he writes , for some commentators would lead us far astray .
28 It is not just that dealing with Old Age Pensioners who have reported missing budgies falls outside the definition of what counts as ‘ real ’ police work , the work is also disliked because it is problematic , for policemen need to display competence in the way they convey sympathy while admitting that nothing will be done .
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