Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [noun] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The second solution is to try to carry ambiguities around in the form of constraints [ Sussman & steele , 1980 ] .
2 ‘ Labour and the Liberal Democrats want to pull Scotland out of the mainstream of the United Kingdom .
3 Most dealers , however anticipated something of the kind might happen once they were forbidden to sell clients out of the stock .
4 It wants to give tourism back to the GLC , yet the only contribution that the GLC made to tourism was to destabilise and almost destroy the London tourist board .
5 ‘ I know what their intentions are , which are to enhance the individual 's life so that collectively we are all enhanced — to try to do stuff out of the mould of the old politics , which the three main parties are dealing with .
6 The grammar school in Weirwold only takes boys , ’ she said in protest to Zach , ‘ and they never bother to put girls in fer the high school .
7 I was always afraid that Hindley would hurt his small son , either by accident or on purpose , when he was drunk , so I tried to keep Hareton out of the way .
8 Attempts at privatisation , designed to push SOEs on to the global bandwagon , have often been accompanied by an easing of equity limitations in other sectors .
9 If anyone needs to take funds out of the Shearson scheme early , they can do so via selling the note itself .
10 Bankers ' acceptances are one of the main ways by which the Bank of England manages the money supply , buying them from the banking system , via the discount houses , in order to inject cash into the banking system , and selling them when it wants to take cash out of the banking system .
11 But our two leaders had bitten off more than they could chew when they tried to make leaders out of the rest of us .
12 You tried to make patterns out of the flowers and ribbons on the wallpaper .
13 To try to make sense out of the vast amount of raw material intercepted each day the NSA uses computers that are programmed to search for key ‘ trigger ’ words , names , and numbers amongst the hundreds of thousands of circuits being continuously analysed .
14 It was decided not to try to smuggle Hess out on the courier run , although the idea of making him do a parachute drop at his age seemed risky and wrong-headed to the Englishman , if not malicious .
15 We want to limit the amount of fees being charged , but also we want to bring security back to the pensioners .
16 So we 're hoping to address all these issues and er and also to try to bring people back to the awareness that food is a basic human right , the right to eat is a basic human right and , and that we have to find ways to make sure people enjoy that basic human right .
17 The rolling forest of Wensleydale that surrounded Bainbridge has gone now , with its deer and wild boar , but the horn that was blown at dusk every evening between Holyrood and Shrovetide to lead travellers out of the forest to safety still hangs behind the bar of the Rose and Crown , although it is blown now only at village weddings .
18 That let off seemed to breathe relief back into the home side , and not for the first time this season the imposing physical presence of youngster Ferguson proved crucial with a deft header which set up Cleland for a fine angled finish from 15 yards for the leveller .
19 But even the fiercest dissenter would have been pushed to leave McIlvanney out of the frame .
20 However , the huge site fees lodged by the casinos in Las Vegas would appear to put London out of the running .
21 He leaned inwards and seemed to lift Jo out of the car with one hand .
22 He also told why the decision was made to take sterling out of the ERM .
23 Muscling its way into the Unix market , with a $10,000 price tag and no run-time fees , NobleNet is looking to take fish out of the net of its main rival , Boulder , Colorado-based Netwise .
24 I do n't forget how often you have threatened to throw Ben on to the streets ; knowing full well that if he went , I would go with him .
25 Cards have got to go face down on the table
26 She had to face the fact that Phoebe was not , not then and not at any time , going to pull Maggie out from the night-time and into the daylight of loving and needing .
27 And if you think I 'm going to bail Sleet out with the money Francis left me when you ca n't even be bothered to learn the most basic elements of running an estate then you 're mistaken . ’
28 The lid should be metal or plastic with a metal lining to reflect radiation back into the computer .
29 One takes a high level reservoir and if there is more electricity available than the demand requires , then some of that can be used to pump water up into the high level down .
30 Er but basically you 're going to give land back to the people who are tilling it because that 's what they , they have an attachment to .
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