Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] own [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 China , whilst approving the airport plan in principle , had been insistent that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
2 The memorandum was widely seen as a victory for the Chinese side in the negotiations , with the UK effectively agreeing to Chinese demands that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
3 ‘ What might I not have done if I 'd had my own clubs for the first two rounds ? ’
4 Maginnis would like to see Sir Patrick Mayhew fulfil his promise to give the talks ‘ direction and focus ’ by presenting his own ideas for the future .
5 Well , of course Jimmy 's got his own meals for the whole of his life more
6 Mr Coleman , referring to Cabra 's latest proposals for Craven Cottage , said : ‘ We rejected the proposals because they did not follow our own guidelines for the future devlopment of the site , based on recommendations made by the government inspector following the public inquiry in February 1990 . ’
7 saw the Mitcham Light Railway as one step in the large tramway system they intended to build around Croydon and followed this acquisition by presenting a Bill to Parliament , containing their own proposals for the area .
8 At the end of the following year , in December 1980 , the CGLI submitted its own proposals for the constitution of the validating body and , eventually , in July 1981 , the government 's position was made clear in a ministerial statement to parliament .
9 He finds his own words for the mood in a letter to Helen on 6 May '98 : ‘ I am glad my unkind letter allowed you nevertheless to write me so sweet a reply , and besides , to be so sweet tempered , and , as I hope , unhurt save for a moment .
10 But both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords supported the Minister , Lord Keith saying that the judgments in the Divisional Court illustrated the danger of judges wrongly , though unconsciously , substituting their own views for the views of the decision-maker who alone was charged and authorized by Parliament to exercise a discretion .
11 Transforming the Information This requires you to understand the historian 's main argument , be able to separate main points from supporting detail and substitute your own key-words for the historian 's vocabulary .
12 The professor is typing his own letters for the time being .
13 The firm did not seek a costs order against Mrs Luxmoore-May , but she will have to pay her own costs for the original hearing and appeal .
14 When reviewing your own goals for the future , it might be useful to look at some of the positive aspects of nursing as a career , to see whether you still identify with them .
15 make your own materials for the institute 's teaching or teacher training programmes ( Chapters 9 and 11 ) .
16 A stable and egalitarian Asian military and economic alliance was bound to founder on Japan 's inability to submerge her own interests for the benefit of Asia as a whole .
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