Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They also appeared to smell and taste ‘ damp ’ , probably due to baking technology which allows far more water to be added than in the traditional method in order to produce artificial volume and a longer shelf life .
2 That 's the bit that people fe find a bit hard to er to accept because in the real world it does n't actually happen because there 's always some other force like air resistance , friction , road resistance from your tyres and , and it grad it always stops eventually .
3 The choice between searching for the least or most distant neighbours may depend on the experimental ( or even presentational ) needs because in the former case the algorithm finds more detailed and possibly informationally redundant order of probes , while in the latter case it finds a minimal set of probes connected by clones spanning large regions of the genome .
4 Fish and water plants suffer too , and in extreme cases an area of water can be literally suffocated as in the infamous case of Lake Eyrie in North America .
5 I ) is composed of a series of segments which are more equally developed than in the other regions of the body ( Matsuda , 1975 ) .
6 I detailed my education , A Level results , the particulars of my brothers and sisters , everything that I had done while in the Territorial Army and my minimal brush with the law .
7 For a while the palazzo became an important meeting point of the political and artistic halves of the city , but history does not specify whether in the longer term Sgr Greppi was admitted to the ranks of noblemen .
8 Rarely can St Augustine 's dictum that bands of brigands are but petty kingdoms without justice ( City of God , iv , 4 ) have been so easily comprehended as in the eleventh century .
9 It will be interesting to see if in the long term the claims that this product prevents damage to valve seats etc. from using leadfree fuel are true .
10 Less water is needed than in the traditional methods , resulting in a number of technical savings and efficiencies .
11 Most of us have not really solved that puzzle even today , but what did the question look like in the eighteenth century ?
12 75% disappeared from the regulations altogether , whether as a minimum grant-in-aid of teaching costs as in the old regulations or as a maximum as proposed in the Ashby Report : an explanatory memorandum from the Ministry said that the Minister would continue to use this figure as a guide while bearing in mind all the other factors concerned with quality , need , students ' fees and so on .
13 It is also to be found in most of the region 's universities , polytechnics and colleges and in many schools aswell as in the British Library in London .
14 Conversely the make-up girls had less to do than in the black-and-white days .
15 Stools with very large diameters , very hard stools , and stools that clogged the toilet were reported significantly more commonly in both groups of children who did not recover than in the recovered group ( p<0.02 ) .
16 French Tomatoes are so called because in the traditional recipe French cream cheese is used in place of the low fat cottage cheese .
17 Prussia was the weakest of the victorious powers in 1815 , and posed no threat to Britain , as France seemed to do when in the 1860s Napoleon III appeared to be following the ambitions of Napoleon I , and contemplating invasion .
18 The link with crime found by Eysenck was that when prisoners were tested for extroversion , more extroverts were found than in the general population .
19 ( lighter and darker areas , respectively ) , it was found than in the darker areas Whites had higher arrest rates than Blacks .
20 But from this , and from table 4.8 , it is reasonable to conclude that the situation is in this respect less focused than in the inner city .
21 Is the technology which reaches the defence sector better utilised than in the civil economy ?
22 In signed Danish the words are spoken as in the upper line but only the signs in the lower line are articulated .
23 In the 1792 debate , abolition is portrayed as in the national interest economically through the liberation of legitimate trade to and from Africa .
24 Add to the flour and continue as in the original recipe .
25 Answer guide : In the former case an invoice for the goods or services supplied has been received whereas in the latter no invoice has been received at the time the accounts are drawn up therefore an estimate of the amount owing for the goods or services provided is made .
26 Kadet party membership , estimated at 100,000 in 1906 , dwindled drastically , few of those who remained paid their dues , and outside a handful of major cities , local branches of the party virtually disappeared except in the immediate run-up to elections .
27 For the Celts , female nudity held a very powerful magical significance , and this is nowhere better illustrated than in the Irish saga of the great semi-divine hero , Cú Chulainn .
28 Marx 's and Engels 's position is always something of a balancing act between idealism and crude or ‘ vulgar ’ materialism and this is nowhere better illustrated than in The German Ideology and the Theses on Feuerbach .
29 It is a fallacy to think that manuring ( either organically or artificially ) can overcome the effects of overstocking except in the short term .
30 The yearly catch of sand-eels rose to a peak of 52,000 tonnes in 1982 , but then began to decline until in the present season only some 2,000 tonnes were landed .
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