Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [prep] [art] time the " in BNC.

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1 A special problem may arise if at the time the decision is made the patient has been subjected to the influence of some third party .
2 Neither will the contract be avoided or frustrated if at the time the goods perish , property has already passed to the buyer .
3 well it , the running the business is n't I do n't think because by the time the tax man 's hammered you
4 What they can do is to consider whether at the time the decision was made it was intended by the patient to apply in the changed situation .
5 Public expectations as to safety are to be judged as at the time the producer supplied the product in question .
6 said ‘ I am not at present persuaded , however , that the condition in section 14(2) is excluded if at the time the contract is made the buyer is reasonably of the opinion that the defect can be , and will be , rectified at no cost to himself . ’
7 In fact , the decision was taken because at the time the government was pursuing a policy of shadowing the Deutsche Mark , a policy which it could be called upon to defend in Parliament .
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