Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And he has written to Home Secretary Michael Howard demanding to know if plans for the category B inmate jail will be put on ice for a second time .
2 He has written to Home Secretary , Michael Howard , demanding to know if plans for the category B inmate jail will be put on ice for a second time .
3 But critics say unless attitudes to the illness change , people like Alexander Byrne will continue to die .
4 But an ST is not recommended because support for the machine among software writers is dying .
5 ‘ My constituents want to know whether President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine knew that BAe were going to sell Corporate Jets .
6 These will be installed after work on the path surface is complete .
7 I do not know whether admissions about the past are as important as agreement about the future .
8 That may explain why , although 10 Scottish Liberal Members of Parliament appear as sponsors on the face of the Bill , only three have managed to turn up today .
9 From such a perspective girls frequently appear as victims of the sexism in education apparent to others ( Brah and Deem , 1986 ) .
10 Ribas Reig had resigned as President of the Executive Council ( head of government ) in January when conservatives blocked his proposed reforms to introduce a constitution which would legalize parties and trade unions and guarantee civil rights .
11 Leaf crowns consisting of rows of papillae occurring as fringes round the rim of the buccal capsule ( external leaf crowns ) or just inside the rim ( internal leaf crowns ) .
12 the Instonians skipper was soon lifted when man of the match Andrew Rose sent back three Railway Union batsmen for four runs in his first six overs .
13 Although none of the other Blaxhall competitions is connected with horse-gear , they are included as examples of the way farm-workers and their wives enjoyed a frolic .
14 An over-extreme view of what counts as data for the sentence-grammarian was , according to Sampson ( 1980 ) , noticeable in some of the early work of generative grammarians .
15 Pons was much occupied as chair of the chemistry department and the detailed day to day work with the fusion cells was carried out by Hawkins and Fleischmann .
16 Its immediate effect was the flight of Adminius , another son of Cunobelinos , and who had been installed as King of the north-east tip of Kent to control the main port of entry at Richborough and the Wansum Channel which provided a short-cut to the Thames .
17 Jorge Martínez Busch was installed as Commander of the Navy replacing junta member Adml.
18 The NVQs are not designed as alternatives to the course awards , and candidates will not need any formal qualifications to apply for assessment .
19 She wrote to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York , but both declined to appear as witnesses in the trial , Dr Coggan arguing that a jury were far more likely to be influenced by ordinary people testifying to the poem 's blasphemous nature than by ‘ professional ’ Church leaders .
20 In addition to the planned introduction of the right to obtain a passport , Myftiu announced that in future defection would be considered as trespass on the country 's borders and not as " betrayal of the homeland " , which had carried the death penalty .
21 Entities and models can be considered as elements within the set that describes their assembly , and each of these geometric entities is considered to lie within a local space .
22 features of the original production of the language , for example shaky handwriting or quavering speech , are somewhat arbitrarily considered as features of the text rather than features of the context in which the language is produced .
23 Accordingly , it is necessary to define what should be considered as bribery in the context of the period , rather than as it might be regarded in the twentieth century .
24 For example there were evident differences in lexical incidence between items which had been thought to belong to the same phonological set ; get and never in contemporary Belfast vernacular did not pattern in the same way as items such as wet and wedding , and so could not be considered as tokens of the variable ( Ε ) ( see further 6.7 ) .
25 The difficulty occurs where consent to the transfer of contracts is needed , whether it be consent to transfer of the benefit or of the burden .
26 the landlords in Saigon are if you like more commercial , more capitalist , it might be they were better organized than landlords in the north .
27 It was soon realised however , that a lot of time could be saved if access to the colliery was from Duckmanton South , and the embankment was cleared for a new section of line .
28 This occurs because rifting of the lithosphere allows hot mantle rock to move towards the surface .
29 However , the company has n't decided whether support for the environment should be available as a third party solution or whether it should stick the technology into Solaris itself .
30 In many volcanic areas the locals make a practice of collecting small samples of lava in this way , and then mould it while still hot into ashtrays , medallions and so on , to sell as souvenirs of the eruption .
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