Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] down [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When the Gruagach had come storming down from the Northern Wastes and attacked Tara and stolen away the Wolfking 's son , Tara 's heir , the people of the half-world of the forest had vanished , afraid and timid .
2 She tried lying down on the bare mattress , but the whole place felt cold and close .
3 A second or two later , everything came crashing down in a big heap on the railway line below .
4 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
5 I put going down to the English Centre and using the computer
6 Then the main wall of water struck the building , and the shutters burst inwards like reeds , and the salt water rushed white and green into the hall at Orphir , thrusting obstructions aside , while a slap of water , heavy as lead , fell on the thatch and through it , to pour foaming down on the deepening sea on the hall-floor .
7 Gently they lifted the bedraggled form as Bert came lumbering down from the 3 and 4 landing , with Gilbert Forbes behind him , and behind him the trembling form of Jessie , wringing her hands .
8 The three grown people stand looking down on the sleeping infant whose soft breathing seems to have spread the tawny bloom over its ivory skin .
9 he just do n't like going down to the deep end
10 One can distinguish a typical trajectory — shown moving down from the upper left of the figure — as married couples reach the statutory retirement-age .
11 Natural gas supplies will begin running down in the twenty-first century .
12 Disconnected , their instrument of memory fails to record anything of those common night-time moments that preceded lying down in the marital bed .
13 The government 's initial failure to hold spending down in the early 1980s was not for lack of trying .
14 Try jumping down from a low platform , landing with bent knees .
15 The Chinese had dyeing down to a fine art as much as 5,000 years ago , and there are herbs grown today whose names record their colouring ability , such as dyer's-greenweed and dyer's-bugloss .
16 She stood looking down at the tiny fireplace .
17 They both stood looking down at the poor sufferer , neither speaking .
18 Shutting the door softly behind her , Theda tiptoed to the bed and stood looking down at the still figure in some alarm .
19 David sat looking down at the empty wine glass that he was turning round and round between his hands .
20 Philip ap Ivor stood staring down into the blank cavity for a long moment with drawn brows and tight lips .
21 She stood staring down at the fresh earth of the new grave , at the wooden cross bearing her mother 's name and she could not believe that this nightmare was real .
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