Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] its [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Commons Public Accounts Committee will today consider extending its investigation into the £150 million Rover Group sale , and may decide to examine Inland Revenue officials .
2 During the sweltering Id of 1333 , a camel caravan could be seen winding its way through the narrow passes and defiles of the Hindu Kush .
3 The crew hailed a fishing-skiff who gave them information that a French ship had been seen making its way up the Firth the previous day .
4 Whether he wants to limit the penalty to certain categories of murder or whether he favours leaving its use to the discretion of the courts and the Home Secretary is not clear .
5 The oars dipped unhurriedly in the calm water , and when the boat eventually arrived at the shore there was a further infuriating delay before the procession formed up and began making its way round the harbour to Ballingolin .
6 Mr Grover was as good as his word and on Christmas morning soon after breakfast a very strange procession began making its way from the market .
7 The table and chart should change as I alter the data in my spreadsheet ( the firm that did the survey keeps changing its mind over the results ) and I 'd like to import or draw a graphic to make the page as eye-catching as possible .
8 The residual cockroach , even without its head , eventually ceased putting its leg into the liquid — it had ‘ learned ’ how to avoid being shocked .
9 It has to tell the world openly that the mid-range machine is its chosen contender as the central repository for the 21st century , and above all make convincing its commitment to the AS/400 by rushing out top end machines that are much bigger than the present top model while instituting a crash programme to slash the costs of manufacture — and then slash them again , work out how to make money out of the machine while charging much less for the software — and making all the remaining System 36 users an offer they ca n't refuse to convert to the AS/400 , even if every sale to that base is a dead loss to IBM .
10 It was announced on Jan. 18 , 1990 , that in line with an overall reduction in " overseas commitments " , the Soviet Union had begun reducing its presence at the air and naval base of Cam Ranh Bay , with the withdrawal of MiG-23 and Tu-16 aircraft at the end of 1989 .
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