Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Southall , who admitted speeding at an earlier hearing , was fined Pounds 700 and given six penalty points .
2 He stands gazing at the middle barrel .
3 On the back of Wall Street 's overnight strength , the FT-SE 100 cash index rose 33 points at the outset and , with the futures index opening at a hefty premium , looked poised to turn in a record-setting performance .
4 This review process needs to be carried out on a fairly regular basis , perhaps every six months , and it should include looking at the current state of the market to see if there are any new developments that can be applied .
5 Or just too tired to do anything but enjoy looking at the pretty lady .
6 In a dialect poem of 1730 on the West Riding the master clothier and his wife appear breakfasting at a common table with their family , a few journeymen , servants and apprentices before setting down to weave together from " five at morn till eight at neet " .
7 At the same time , the video head drum , which rotates 1500 times a minute , stops dead and starts spinning at the same speed in the opposite direction .
8 I avoided looking at the headless pigeon in the gutter .
9 In vertebrates , shortly after gastrulation , the brain can be seen forming at the anterior end of the embryo .
10 Usually seen soaring at a considerable height .
11 When a big shoal is feeding dozens of bream can be seen rolling at the same time , all facing the same way .
12 Trying to avoid gazing at the grisly sight , the Leutnant sidled over to the statuesque Karnstein , and handed the envelope to her .
13 In this way , all her eggs begin developing at the same time .
14 The end of the coding region is indicated by a U. Translation is shown initiating at the first methionine at nucleotide 76 .
15 As she turned her back on him , she was breathless with rage , lying staring at the darkened wall of the cabin , aware he had completely turned her confrontation to his advantage and beaten her hands down .
16 Not only are peak users paying for the high marginal costs they impose , but also those users who would not mind consuming at a different time ( e.g. households with night storage heaters , who can use electricity at a time when marginal costs are low ) are induced by cheaper prices to switch to consuming at off-peak times .
17 You should begin exercising at the correct pace .
18 This latest exhibition is not merely an update of the one many will remember visiting at the Royal Academy in 1979 , but a transformation .
19 You and I are going shopping at the other end . ’
20 A SOLDIER today denied that his evidence was a ‘ total fabrication ’ to justify firing at a stolen car in West Belfast .
21 Because it , it 's terrifying looking at a blank piece of paper when we needed ways to start the comment .
22 then you see or somebody you know looking at the long jump and they 're muttering away to themselves .
23 They began selling at an early age , certainly before 10 years of age .
24 ‘ If the number of candidates keeps rising at the present rate ’ , he said , ‘ then by the year 2010 the entire population of the world will have a SCOTVEC National Certificate ! ’
25 The children themselves appeared , and after a second summer spent playing at the M's farm , and becoming ‘ socialised ’ by contact with that family , it seemed they had made some progress .
26 Er without being an actuary I say to myself that 's a pretty magical thing you 've done and then it causes you to start looking at the monetary background of all of that an and again I I 'm , I 'm speaking here largely on what actuarial advice we are beginning to receive .
27 This unsettled all aircrew before they even started training at the Operational Training Unit .
28 From 1795 to 1800 he was apprenticed to his uncle Samuel [ q.v. ] , during which time in 1797 he started exhibiting at the Royal Academy , and in the beginnings of his career he was indebted in different ways to both Samuel and his other architect uncle , James [ q.v . ] .
29 And given that total hardware sales plummeted by 19.4% to $5,740m in the quarter , keeping the overall decline to 7% was an achievement in itself , even if within a quarter or three , turnover can be expected to start declining at an accelerating pace .
30 And given that total hardware sales plummeted by 19.4% to $5,740m in the quarter , keeping the overall decline to 7% was an achievement in itself , even if within a quarter or three , turnover can be expected to start declining at an accelerating pace .
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