Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [prep] [pron] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean some of them at the going in at dinner time and have a couple , three pints it do n't hit them does it ?
2 Claudine had probably dropped that on him at the last minute .
3 If it is a very large contract then it may be reasonable for the builder to ask for interim payments as the work progresses , and you can discuss this with him at the outset .
4 Were I to meet any of you at the golf club or the Mayor 's banquet I am sure we could talk as equals over a glass of sherry and a snipe sandwich .
5 He had been almost tempted to buy some from her at a discount until he remembered her prices .
6 I had spent a long day in the autumn bargaining with the previous owner over the furniture and carpets and ended up having bought most of it at a reasonable price .
7 The main purchasers of bills are the discount houses , which then sell many of them at a slightly higher price , to the banks .
8 It so happens I spent most of mine at the cinema .
9 Er clearly when we have got that situation , we do n't just simply put the numbers in and press the button and you get the answer out at the end , er the people who er did this for us at the time , er are professional er transportation consultants er and given that the key er one of the key outputs from this model was the effect of a er a bypass , then this is something that we looked at in in some detail as well as er the actual effects that the model was putting out .
10 If you do n't turn your body to face your opponent directly you will succeed only in placing both of you at a disadvantage .
11 I 'd heard the voice of an angel — and when a meeting was eventually arranged between David and myself , through NEMS ' who were handling both of us at the time , I expected a very pimply youth to be standing there .
12 Spring this on them at the worst possible time ; make sure they 're all in the corridor if possible , so you have the maximum number of potential victims .
13 If the Press were to arrive you 'd find both of us at the gates with shot-guns .
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