Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [noun sg] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 THE Littlewoods Cup holders Nottingham Forest were given another home draw in the quarter-finals , with Tottenham the visitors in the potential tie of the round if they can overcome Tranmere in a replay at home next week , writes Ian Ridley .
2 I would certainly advise anybody to look at the policy , and if they want more cover speak to the dealer that they bought the vehicle from , because it may well be that they could have erm a much , much greater cover which is of more value to them .
3 On the standing charges regarding motion three eight four for the rent-free telephones for our senior citizens it is really an extension of three seventy but the C E C asks to while you , while you accept this resolution ask for a qualification on the motion .
4 On this basis , the unit and type readings of jacket in I like this jacket belong to the same lexeme , because the same contrast recurs with skirt , dress , coat , hat , etc .
5 Well they ai n't going to anyway does a two or three years , they 're old age pensioners , the house is too big for them cos they 're waiting for a place to move , that 's why I want to get it , get this hedge grow before the next one comes in
6 Marital : Many a parental marriage is broken by the amount of focus put on the problems of the child primary sufferer rather than Upon improving the marital relationship and giving each other support in the time of crisis .
7 The gas man come about and er as he went this girl come to the door .
8 The planning and arrangements for handling any emergency depend upon an accurate and rapid evaluation of any accident and its progression , and hence on sufficient accurate radiation monitoring on and off site , the speedy collection and analysis of data , and good communications , together with arrangements for the assembly and accurate briefing of representatives of the media .
9 Such reading is invaluable because it not only consolidates what learners already know , it helps them to develop that general feel for a language which can give such a boost to the learning process .
10 ‘ This conference says to those people this weekend : ‘ In the light of what 's happened this week come into the Labour Party .
11 At present the science curriculum is structured around physical science interests , on which boys are keener ( how motor cars work , atoms and molecules ) ; we were able to recommend that teaching build on the overlapping interests of the two sexes , because girls as well as boys want to know more about human biology and spectacular features of the environment ( animals in the jungle , volcanoes and earthquakes , acids and chemicals ) .
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