Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In particular to ensure that land that is restored to agriculture , forestry or amenity uses can be managed in a suitable way for a period after the restoration itself is complete to ensure that it returns to a proper level of productivity by an ‘ after-care ’ condition .
2 I mean that 's bang in front of us and that 's that 's the sort of area they 'll be looking to play the ball down the sides for Collimore 's pace and I would n't wonder on it .
3 ‘ I do n't think this is going to work , ’ said Endill , knowing his nerves could n't stand much more .
4 ‘ I do n't think this is going to work , ’ she said .
5 ‘ I do n't think this is going to work , ’ she said , not announcing herself , confident that he would recognize her voice and the thoughts which filled her mind .
6 As might be expected this is accelerated by heat , making cold storage essential .
7 Although the private good is assumed to be reputation from complying with an established custom of membership , it could also be regarded as any other form of excludable union benefit that is increasing in membership .
8 A chaffinch that is isolated from birth will only sing a very crude chaffinch song when it comes to sing in its first year ( Figure 3.10b — compare the normal chaffinch song in Figure 3.10a ) .
9 One major block to progress that is created in mathematics is the constant use of a single notation to represent a concept : for example , always labelling a triangle ABC , always using only Cartesian coordinates ( x , y ) in representing points .
10 Surplus ACT carried back is deducted after utilising any ACT that was paid in respect of the earlier accounting period .
11 He thought of the latrine and the T-junction of a water-main pipe , and a hole that had been carved from the snow and frozen earth , and a screw top cover that was lagged at night , and a place that was in shadow from the arc lamps of the perimeter fences .
12 Following new yarn developments in France , Charnos have come up with a beautiful lustrous leg look that is built for comfort — ‘ Sheer Lustre ’ tights at £2.99 with 10 denier appearance leg .
13 On the contrary , he saw the sexes as being so fundamentally different and their union so mutually complementary and divine that is continued in heaven to truly ecstatic degrees !
14 People have just had enough being thrown from pillar to post . ’
15 A guarantee that all rents raised in West Lothian will be spent in West Lothian and a rent guarantee that is linked to inflation .
16 They went 2–0 up three minutes into the second half when Phil Gray hit a fierce 20-yard drive that was deflected past keeper Jon Sheffield .
17 One of the best ways to do this is to study in depth particular people who have claimed to have religious experience .
18 I understand this is paid by grant .
19 WHAT Saturn glues together , Pluto and Uranus may attempt to sunder — in other words , as much as one situation refuses to budge another is set for blast off .
20 However if any woman reading this is looking for marriage and parenthood , I would certainly be interested in corresponding with her .
21 Two methods for achieving this are given in Table 14 .
22 Within that normativist framework the functionalist style in public law is to be identified with that side of the dualist divide that is associated with error , distortion , and corruption .
23 homosexuality is a sin cos I mean I think that 's tapping into religion as much as
24 I think that was hit by debris off the platform .
25 I see that as a big change I mean I see that , I think that was coming without sponsorship .
26 Making this plain to users will help to prevent any inadvertent serious use of this process — how you do that is described in Section 2.11 , User Access to Process .
27 5.7.1 At the Tenant 's own expense to execute all works and provide and maintain all arrangements upon or in respect of the Premises or the use to which the Premises are being put that are required in order to comply with the requirements of any statute ( already or in the future to be passed ) or any government department , local authority other public or competent authority or court of competent jurisdiction regardless of whether such requirements are imposed on the lessor the lessee or the occupier
28 Where depth counters emerged these were linked to surface perceptions with the spots , for example , stimulating the following response : ‘ There 's spots on there , and I guess that 's another reason why I want to go into that area .
29 Sceptics will argue that the chemicals we are exposed to have all been tested for safety , and should have no ill-effects at the concentrations we encounter .
30 A Mr yesterday , he was just authorising the use of firearms and he said that was put into writing and we 've got that form but that only authorises the issue of firearms er the practicality , the authorising and the carrying out of the raid is n't covered by that document .
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