Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] from the [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Another consideration that has arisen from the work on AI and , in particular , expert systems is that of the legal implications .
2 ‘ Bill says the Lorrimores ’ private car got detached from the train on Sunday evening .
3 The doubts about Mr Lamont 's survival grew after it was disclosed that he had withdrawn from the panel on BBC TV 's Question Time programme tomorrow , with Mr Clarke replacing him .
4 On July 30 Jumblatt announced that the ( PSP ) Health and Social Affairs Minister Marwan Hamadah had resigned from the government on July 28 .
5 The rumble that had thundered from the wheelbarrow on tarmac was now replaced by a creak as it rose , and a thump as it fell .
6 It was the manuscript of Lord Byron 's poem which I had retrieved from the floor on the previous evening .
7 It had once been possible to trust a few Fascist families , especially those who had sons who had deserted from the army on 8 September ; but that was changing .
8 Aquino also stated that Marcos remained banned from the country on " national interest and security grounds " , despite her frequently stated desire to return so that she could bury her husband 's body in his native soil .
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