Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] their [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , since then their oil prices have increased and the strength of the US dollar has made their exports to the UK less competitive .
2 But my feeling is that someone has had their hands in the till .
3 Their teacher has said that the project ‘ has opened their eyes to the problems that have to be met by the elderly and disabled . ’
4 We leave the more recent research which has challenged their findings to the following chapter .
5 The Howards had hoped for more than a million pounds in compensation … the cost of caring for Michelle , and paying for the court case , has stretched their finances to the limit .
6 Apart from Perdita , the Rutshire team for the Jack Gannon Cup consisted of Justin and Patrick Lombard , farmer 's sons who 'd spent their lives in the saddle and who made up for lack of finesse with dogged determination , and David Waterlane 's son , Mike , now nearly twenty-one , who played like an angel when his father was n't on the sideline bellowing at him .
7 But the caution of other princes may not have blinded their followers to the possible propaganda value of the Laudes .
8 By the end of the century , use of drugs in cases of terminal illness was more common ; but many would have shaken their heads at the thought of patients dying drugged , as is the norm today .
9 Yet the time may come when the unions will have expiated their follies of the sixties and seventies , partly through the rationalisation and mergers of the past decade , partly through reforms forced on them by changes in the law during the eighties , partly by a public rediscovery that trade unions are a necessary part of a free society .
10 No word had come from Rose , and surely she would have cancelled their arrangements at the least hint of scandal ?
11 He and his partner , Gary Armstrong , playing together in a major international for the 25th time , plus a few other Scots , must have booked their places on the forthcoming British Lions tour to New Zealand .
12 Having won their votes from the gullible , as well as the dedicated , the republicans now show their utter contempt for democracy .
13 ‘ There is considerable danger here of drawing the conclusion that because the two sets of bones were found in conjunction and on the same date , they must have met their deaths at the same time .
14 Although quite a few had subsequently been dismissed , both Braithwaite and Colclough having had their spies in the Chartist ranks , men who had sung those Chartist hymns about freedom and justice the loudest as they had been memorizing names and faces to sell afterwards to Uriah and Ben .
15 Another wicket now and Pakistan would have had their thumbs on the jugular .
16 The reasons are pretty self-evident : no band could keep this up for three hours every night for nearly a year without having sold their souls to the rock ‘ n ’ roll devil long ago .
17 It is thought that those who occupied the Malvern hill forts may have herded their cattle down the Worcestershire drove-ways to pasture them on Longdon Marsh in the summers before the Roman conquest .
18 Karrimor , having dipped their toes into the boot market last year , launched their Garment collection whose top of the range models , the Baltoro and Annapurna , are four season boots .
19 How the more distinguished men must have gnashed their teeth at the trivial basis upon which great decisions are made — but how delighted they must be today not to be branded with the title of court architect !
20 This body had been set up by Bismarck in 1886 , when it was estimated that if the Ostflucht continued , 3 million Germans would have left their homes in the Prussian east by the start of the twentieth century .
21 Obviously with so many having lost their lives on the disaster , you say that you do n't feel it 's maybe an act of God int hat sense , that you were picked to be saved , but erm you do n't feel any guilt as such either , o that you were one of the ones and er so many others had been lost ?
22 Even the most solid-looking dinosaurs may have changed their habits in the last few years !
23 Gary , 25 , and Jean , 24 , are believed to have met their deaths in the woods after being lured to Chorley by a phone call to their flat in Jericho Farm Walk , Aigburth .
24 Gary , 25 , and Jean , 24 , are believed to have met their deaths in the woods after being lured to Chorley by a phone call to their flat in Jericho Farm Walk , Aigburth , on Tuesday , April 27 .
25 The Government seem to have washed their hands of the problem : they are taking no responsibility for it , and that is not good enough .
26 Having rejected your fly once , they are hardly likely to have changed their minds in the space of a couple of minutes .
27 Can I say first of all that er I support the general approach which has been adopted by Yorkshire County Council and the the other local authorities in the Greater York area , on the way in which they 've formulated their proposals for the York greenbelt after a fairly long erm and exhausting process , the question to which I want to address my comments first of all is whether the new settlement is an appropriate and justified planning response , and what I would like to do if I may is look at some of the reasons that have been raised erm in objection to the new settlement as a strategy , erm these issues have been raised by Hambledon District , York City Council , the C P R E , Montague Evans , in their written submissions to the examination of the .
28 What is certain is that the Egyptian goldsmiths had developed their skills to the point at which they were able to mount amethyst , lapis lazuli and turquoise in the gold bracelets buried with King Zer of the first dynasty in his tomb at Abydos .
29 ‘ Word came that the reivers had hidden their galleys in the sea lochan at Arivegaig . ’
30 Croatia and Slovenia had recalled their representatives from the Presidency and the representatives of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Macedonia had not attended since October [ see p. 38513 ] .
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