Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] back [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose now , however , that B , having accepted S 's repudiation in June , sees the market beginning to rise rapidly in July and , in an attempt to minimise his loss before the market rises further , buys replacement goods on July 15 at £115 per ton — ; only to discover that by the delivery date under the original contract ( December 1 ) the market price has fallen back to £110 per ton .
2 While undergoing an operation his heart has stopped , but he has come back to life after having been declared dead and deposited in a coffin .
3 He may be right that the centre of gravity among that supposedly central group of Britons , the skilled workers , or C2s , has shifted back in favour of higher state spending .
4 To crown it all , I now read in my newspaper that we are living in ‘ the post-feminist era ’ which I take to mean either that the battle is won — a view informed by the same kind of stupidity which once encouraged Macmillan to proclaim ‘ we 're all middle-class now ’ — or that feminism is a spent force and has slipped back into obscurity for another sixty years of oblivion .
5 Cleveland County fire officer Bill Cooney has hit back at criticism of the service .
6 Recently the trend has swung back in favour of large carcasses and the Longhorn , able to make meat from grass and hardy enough to live out without pampering , is ready for the challenge .
7 ‘ Individually a few have done , ’ said his new colleague Sarah , ‘ but they get squeezed back into line by the West . ’
8 In Rome a visitor can stand in front of a Baroque church , but a few minutes later , having walked only a short distance , may have plunged back in time to Antiquity .
9 Having got back to bed for a few hours , at 0800 Captain Moore arrives at his office in the RMP Headquarters , which is housed in the 1936 Olympic Stadium Barracks , and by mid-morning is feeling a bit smug about the noticeable dent in the paperwork on his desk .
10 The MGN chairman , Sir Robert Clark , is believed to have flown back from Bermuda for a board meeting but board member Lord Hollick , a Labour peer , stayed abroad ski-ing .
11 The Tuxedo discs begins with the rather pedestrian Preludio 2 by Raffaele Calace ( ‘ father of modern mandolin playing ’ , according to the informative notes in the Amon Ra release , where more music by Calace , equally dull , is to be found ; Tuxedo , by contrast , seems to have cut back on fees for notewriters ) .
12 The Qulis — who were met by police at Heathrow — had flown back from Dublin after collecting Farrah from Limerick .
13 He had travelled back to Keswick with her even though it had not been his previous intention to do so .
14 He was told to imagine that he had travelled back in time to the afternoon of the abduction and was watching the events unfold on a television documentary .
15 He told the doctors all about how my dad had come back to life in this grey cardigan and had told him the secrets of the universe .
16 The father pleaded with the elder brother and tried to point out to him that it was only right to celebrate for it was as if the younger son had come back to life from the dead .
17 Her father had been an economist , who had come back to Europe with Woodrow Wilson to try to hammer something workable out of the ruins of the Great War , and after that the family had divided themselves between the USA and Britain .
18 His only son — well provided in those days with cash — had come back to Europe in the early ‘ thirties with little in his mind except escape .
19 My parents , who had come back to Hastings from their exile in Somerset to fish and clean , as they always did , had braved all and were coming to the wedding .
20 Meanwhile their investigation had received help from Roxie Farmer 's reluctant admission that her brother had been staying with her , and that he had gone off one day , borrowing her former husband 's bike , and had come back with blood on him .
21 McFarlane had come back from London in December 1985 disgusted with the bartering , repelled by Ghorbanifar and wanting to abandon the operation .
22 Would they find each other much changed , or would it be like it was when he had come back from school for the holidays ?
23 She remembered that fated evening when she had come back from Wimbledon after seeing Hindley Foster .
24 The British army had come back from Dunkirk with nothing but its rifles .
25 Peter had come back from hospital in his own but in tearing good spirits .
26 And when the lightning had forked inwards through the window and shattered the typing-pool window , Gilbert had turned back to Rohmer in helpless appeal .
27 Pauline Simonescu , finding the austerities of post-war London bad for business , had moved back to Paris at about the same time he , too , had returned , from Oxford .
28 It is very clear here that Ritschl had moved back behind Schleiermacher towards Kant 's linking of religion with ‘ practical reason ’ .
29 They had arrived back at camp before breakfast and when he greeted his mother , Joseph had wondered with a sudden stab of alarm if she could tell .
30 Thanks are due to Christine Healey who always helps us and had arrived back from Kenya in time to rearrange the exhibition screens to a more attractive display and thanks also to Mr Derek Andrews , Manager of Blackwell 's , the University Bookshop , for generously sponsoring us this year .
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