Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] from [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Union membership has fallen from 53% of workers in 1979 to 37% now .
2 The growth has come from privatisation of services provided in the public sectors , particularly healthcare and education and from catering for the public .
3 The early evolutionary stages of development of wings are still in question they may have developed from outgrowths of exoskeleton from the body that assisted gliding initially , and then acquired a propulsive function .
4 There may be a problem , however , with the steering relay having seized from lack of use .
5 But whatever else Anselm may have learnt from Hugh of Lyons , he did not learn to accept this extension of papal sovereignty at the expense of the church for which he was himself responsible .
6 The summit declaration 's notable omission of any plans to resolve the crisis in Yugoslavia was understood to have stemmed from lack of agreement among leaders who were bound by the CSCE 's rule of consensus .
7 Parents reported whether their children had suffered from attacks of asthma or bronchitis during the past 12 months , whether they usually coughed first thing in the morning or at any other time , whether their chest ever sounded wheezy or whistling , and , if so , whether this symptom was present on most days or nights .
8 The island had suffered from shortages of food , power , and medical supplies , since the Port Moresby government imposed a blockade in 1990 in response to the BRA 's declaration of independence .
9 On Feb. 3 the government stated that 31,033 children had died from lack of medicines and food as a result of UN sanctions [ see also p. 38742 ] .
10 Though all of them had descended from families of wealth and influence , these were not public powers .
11 The populace generally played little part in that agitation , but when Wilkes returned from the exile in 1768 to which he had fled from fear of imprisonment , debt and the fighting of a duel , to fight the Middlesex election , he became the symbol of a much wider agitation .
12 Add the two factors together , and the average mortgage payments of a first-time buyer have fallen from 30% of earnings in 1990 to 12% today — the lowest for more than 20 years ( see chart on next page ) .
13 Suffolk County Council has long been over-stretched on the conservation side , and comparable houses have suffered from lack of expert advice .
14 In the past , studies of Chinese management have suffered from problems of access to the inner workings of organisations and enterprises .
15 Should twelve months have expired from date of service , without judgment having been entered by the plaintiff on an admission , the action is struck out and can not be revived .
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