Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 USH has approached the securities council for a ruling .
2 Only Anne Gibson has won a singles medal for Scotland in the championships — a bronze in 1987 — and McEwan , just 17 , has an outside chance of repeating that .
3 LORD Rix has quit the Arts Council after seven years , accusing it of ‘ devising fatuous so-called policies ’ .
4 ‘ 'T IS ’ has made the suits kind of antsy about sonnets .
5 For some years , SCOTVEC has had an Awards Ceremony at which students received prizes as , for example , the best student in Scotland in a particular HNC or HND course .
6 North of England Newspapers , which The Northern Echo , will be distributing the magazine and has offered the students use of its photographic library .
7 More recently Sugden ( 1982 ) has utilized a systems framework for his synthesis of the character of the Arctic and Antarctic .
8 At the same time , the Sacramento , California-based company has announced a Windows version of its core Accell/SQL application development and 4GL toolset .
9 Profits surge : Share dealing and information group ShareLink , which is planning a £30m stock market flotation next month , has announced a profits rise of just over £1m to £3.5m in the 12 months to March 31 .
10 Almost every conjurer who has taken a parti pris in this field has found himself accused of possessing psychic powers .
11 Police Chief Supt Elwyn Roberts , who has headed the police operation in the floods said : ‘ It was the storm of the century . ’
12 The Palace has launched a friends association with the aim of raising funds for its ongoing restoration programme .
13 Baseball may have become a parks game in Britian in recent years but now in Gloucestershire there 's a new name to put alongside the Chicago Whitesox and the Los Angeles Dodgers … the name on the shirt is the Gloster Meteors .
14 The application for accommodation ( Form AF1 ) must have reached the Allocations Office by 30th September .
15 The Duke told him he had given the trees priority over the house because they took longer to become established , but Kalm drily commented in his diary that his wealth was such that he could have built ‘ a most handsome castle in one year or less ’ .
16 Not until after the last Ice Age had remodelled the valleys north of the plain , overdeepening them , then damming them with morainic debris to form the great lakes of Maggiore , Como and Garda , did man evolve to the point where he left a permanent imprint on the landscape .
17 Brinson , before taking over the Gulbenkian Foundation in London in 1972 had chaired an arts committee of the Foundation , set up to discuss and provide financial help to the performing arts , and particularly to dance , which had had , in his words ‘ a raw deal ’ .
18 Treaty did not of itself prevent a member state from imposing an ownership residence requirement as a condition for exemption from the compulsory acquisition of land , could not be followed in the present case for three reasons : ( a ) in the Fearon case , the owners ' residence requirement was not coupled with any nationality requirement and the court indicated in paragraph 10 of the judgment , at pp. 3685–3686 , that its decision would have been different if it had been ; ( b ) in the Fearon case , the residence requirement was limited to legal owners of the land and did not extend to peripheral persons , such as those who had lent the owners money in order to buy the land ; and ( c ) from the point of view of its geographical scope , the residence requirement at issue in the Fearon case was framed in local rather than national terms .
19 We 've got a ladies luncheon in Glasgow for four hundred and the organiser , Ruth the chair of Glasgow branch , is being helped by two ladies from the business community erm Linda from the BAFTA award and Tessa who has her own marketing company , so we 're hoping to sort of pull in a lot of people from that erm Judy the chair of Scottish council , is yet again holding her Charlotte Square ball erm , this was very , very successful two years ago , I think you know erm and we 're hoping for the same success erm , we are very lucky that the Royal Highland Show has chosen us to be er the charity this year for the gala preview of the show erm this is er for three hundred people , a champagne reception erm sponsored by the Bank of Scotland , so that you go and see the flowers before the show opens the next day .
20 Yes , erm they 've got a sports centre in Nottingham , and that 's the nearest thing they 've got to Oxford .
21 Cos you could sh I mean we 've got the curtains sort of left handed , it might be an idea to have the blind pull on the left hand end as well .
22 Millet had played the images game on the pavement outside , had anticipated a tousled woman who wore badges of failure .
23 In the Chief Constable 's view the use of force was ‘ fully justified ’ , believing himself surrounded by a criminally hostile population , with recent memories of the looting and disorder which had accompanied the police strike of 1919 in Liverpool .
24 Mr Sugar was not at the house yesterday but it is believed his wife , Ann , was at home as a woman had driven a sports car into the grounds earlier , which bore the registration 1 AS .
25 By the time 1972 was out I had found a Vets club in join , the VAC as it was called , and I began to pick up something about the scene — where to find the minor races , who to go to for training advice , the way to use blocks and how to seek out physios for repair purposes — and I took up steady training .
26 He had found a mews flat in Fulham , convenient for his work , but he often returned to his family only at weekends .
27 He had entered the police station in a storm of self-righteous protest and had been by turn hectoring , belligerent and spiteful .
28 Middlemass had finished The Times crossword by quarter to ten and had made the rest of the paper last as long as possible .
29 A letter I came across in the Houghton Library at Harvard bemoans to his father an incident in which , for some reason , he had offended a women clerk to whom he had consigned some typing .
30 And he said he had ordered a police investigation after reports that a set of traffic lights near the scene of the accident were not working .
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