Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] him in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody has spoken to him in the way that you have , not for more than a year …
2 Mattox 's campaign presented her silence on this subject as an expression of guilt , although the drugs issue backfired on him in the final days of the campaign when witnesses claimed to have seen him smoking marijuana in the early 1970s , a claim which he vehemently denied .
3 Indeed , the suggestion might well have come from him in the first place , which would have been so much better for everyone .
4 The men and women ( eleven in all ) who met here and talked for a few hours and went their unremarkable ways , were the descendants of the impassioned few Roxborough had gathered around him in the dark days following the failure of the Reconciliation .
5 Even though we had explained to him in a small business initially , he was going to be the salesman , he was going to be the marketing director , he was going to be everything .
6 Encouraged by Hamadan , Younis made much of the minor role Nabi Berri had assigned to him in the Air Jordanian incident and admitted he had helped guard the hostages after the TWA 747 hijack .
7 Kopyion had sat opposite him in the hovercar , contemplating the momentous events unravelling on the planet .
8 On the other hand , now he thought about it — that was one of the advantages of taking time out to think things through — there had been occasions when she had looked at him in a special way which made him think that she might not reject him .
9 He was aware that it was trite , but the alternative was to express the scepticism that had grown inside him in the intervening days .
10 Feeling defeated suddenly , she discovered that it was no good trying to recapture the fury she had felt with him in the hope of that fury helping her battle against the way she was feeling .
11 They had laughed at him in the road gang ; who did he think he was ? they said .
12 She had been unable to concentrate on her reading , her mind constantly straying to the conversation she had had with him in the rose gardens .
13 She was n't allowed to be friends with him , because long ago she had played with him in the fields while her mother gleaned what on Townsend 's Farm .
14 One of the university students said she had brushed past him in the corridor and gone out into the street .
15 I 've spoken to him in the past about making the place over to you .
16 The Minister of Labour , Ernest Bevin , received a message which he had decoded for him in a Leeds hotel by Albert Heal , a trade union leader who had run a pre-war escape route for German socialists that still had watertight communications .
17 He had been escorted back to the Vicarage by a plainclothes officer , not the one who had been working most closely with Commander Dalgliesh , but an older man , broad-shouldered , stolid , reassuringly calm , who had spoken to him in a soft country accent which he could n't recognize but was most certainly not local .
18 She had forgotten that her papa was supposed to be dead , and had spoken of him in the present tense , a fact not wasted on Dr Neil , who made no comment , but asked politely , ‘ And does all this stockmarket bargaining mean that you are going to make me a cup of tea , or not ?
19 She could not believe she had rounded on him in the way she had .
20 Trent had no doubt that Miguelito would kill him and enjoy doing so — revenge for whatever had happened to him in a US jail and for the gringo widow-woman having put him there .
21 But my father never did a regular job after he come out th out of the army you know , I think it was something had happened to him in the army , he 'd got erm bomb blast or something or he was near s something when it went off and he got buried .
22 And that 's what had happened to him in the prison , because someone said , I wonder how long that will last .
23 But all Gouzenko could say about the other Elli was that he was in ‘ department five of Military intelligence ’ and had been told this by a colleague called Lubimov , or possibly Liubimov , who had worked with him in the GRU code room in Moscow .
24 Bobby Anscombe had intended his ultimatum as an exit line , but he was stopped by Michael Banks , who had worked with him in the past and knew his volatile temper .
25 They told me at the hospital that you 've worked with him in the past , so I thought you might be able to help me with my general enquiries . ’
26 Just a short while ago she had thought that nothing could increase the feeling of dread that Andrew had left behind him in the drawing-room .
27 She had read about him in the newspapers , seen him once or twice on television , seen photographs of him in magazines .
28 Hawk had read about him in the newsfax , but rarely watched teevee , and so had never seen his face before .
29 The decision to place Gareth in the care of his grandparents , who have looked after him in the past while his mother was working , was taken by Strathclyde Regional Council 's social work department .
30 To achieve the rank of finalist is not only an honour for himself but he feels that it is shared with those who have worked with him in the team .
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