Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] the [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Er I will have explained er er I certainly would 've explained on the phone that er part of the contract requires them to give us a list of prospective advertisers .
2 ‘ I played in the 1987 cup final win against Wasps , but I do n't remember much about that game because I got concussed in the opening 10 minutes .
3 AT&T Co has plunged into the desktop personal computer videoconferencing business with the launch of its Visual Solutions product line , committing that the products and services for business will be based on globally accepted standards for video calls over digital phone lines — under the framework of the Consultative Committee on International Telephony and Telegraphy , companies worldwide have agreed the Px64 series of standards for video transmission over digital phone lines .
4 The Ghia Connecta is a concept electric car using technology FORD has developed for the Ecostar electric delivery vans , to appear on our roads in 1993 .
5 ( 5 ) A licensing board shall not entertain a request to declare the provisional grant of a licence final unless the person to whom the grant was made has given to the board such notice of his intention to make the request as may be prescribed .
6 May I thank my honourable friend for that extremely helpful reply and for the encouraging figures which he has given to the house this afternoon .
7 The Spanish State has subcontracted to the Foundation many of the rights and obligations under the loan agreement .
8 Ann , the daughter of Joe 's partner , was Larry 's fiance/1e , and now wants to marry Joe 's surviving son , Chris , who has come through the war unscathed .
9 Howell has come to the fore this season , being instrumental in getting Civil Service into third place in the league behind Kelburne and Torbrex Wanderers with his impressive defensive record .
10 [ 5.2 The Seller warrants that it is not aware of any actual or alleged infringements of any intellectual property rights of third parties which relate to the goods other than those ( if any ) which the Seller has disclosed to the Purchaser prior to acceptance of the Order . ]
11 The School has responded positively to the technological demands of the new Standard Grade courses and has installed in the Department ten ‘ Applemac ’ computers adding to the not inconsiderable quantity of equipment already there .
12 A group of trades and professions has grown around the core financial institutions to provide other services , such as lawyers ( of particular importance to primary eurobond issuance ) , accountants , actuaries , security printers , computer programmers and consultants .
13 She has written to the Attorney General protesting that the courts have been too lenient on Dr Courtney and she has tabled a Parliamentary Question to Sir Nicholas designed to force a judicial review of the sentence .
14 Bonn 's cultural life should nevertheless be enhanced by its new Kunst-und-Ausstellungshalle , an exhibition complex which has risen on the site adjacent to the Stadtmuseum .
15 Another mortar team has moved into the orchard this evening , 13th June , and got down to work straight away by sending off several rounds of high explosives in quick succession in the direction of the enemy positions .
16 I take this opportunity to pay tribute to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for all the work that he has done in the past two and a half years to improve the future and administration of Northern Ireland .
17 This study examines specific resources — various types of labour , capital and materials — used by the hospital sector to quantify the degree of substitution that has occurred over the period 1951 to 1981 .
18 If ovulation has occurred within the past 10 h ( approximately ) the masses of cumulus cells surrounding the eggs will be clearly visible through the thin distended walls of the ampulla .
19 An acceptable theory must explain in detail how this clumping of matter has occurred in the time available for it .
20 As a result , policy and resources committee proceedings have in many authorities become either duplicates of , or substitutes for , the work of the full council and the function of policy co-ordination has shifted to the party political groups , or to the chief executive and management team , or … both' ( Alexander , 1982a , p. 91 ) .
21 A inmate has escaped from the Broadmoor psychiatric hospital in Berkshire .
22 I had the opportunity to discuss the matter that the right hon. Gentleman has raised at the conference this week .
23 Mr W I Paterson has retired as the North Western Area Director and has been replaced by Mr D M MacInnes .
24 Many of the more senior academics have left university employment and the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals has spoken of the threat this poses to academic leadership .
25 Probably rather less than immediately appears , for , although symptoms of thrush may seem to be related to a recent sexual act , it may be that the trauma of vigorous sexual intercourse has brought to the surface that which was lying dormant .
26 Since 1987 it has emerged as the number one buyer of privatised bus companies , picking up operators from Inverness to Hampshire .
27 An examination of Figure 6.1 reveals that , whilst each of the groups considered has gained over the period 1979 — 89 ( due to the tax and benefit changes discussed above ) , the greatest gain was made by the richest tenth of the population .
28 Saying Sun Microsystems Inc 's service is not up to snuff , Sun reseller Marathon International Group , of Campbell , California , has gone into the business on-site and over-the-phone .
29 Whereas the role of executive princess touring the troubled countries of the Third World has gone to the Princess Royal , there has lately been much written on the theme of the Princess of Wales as ‘ caring princess ’ .
30 However , it is clear that the divergence between the North and the South has widened during the period 1981 — 7 ( see Figure 9.5 ) .
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