Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [conj] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But ringing has shown that the same birds return year after year to patrol the same wintering areas , the oldest birds having done the round trip up to 30 times .
2 And it has emerged that the same tape was also recorded at the home of Margaret Norgrove in Oxford several days earlier .
3 So when one producer or studio is responsible for a string of hits , it 's only necessary to find out what distinguishes its operation from that of other , less successful , operations , or what has changed when the same producer or studio hit a bum run , to discover what makes for successful film production .
4 The purchaser may be tempted to take a stance it might not have chosen if the same negotiations had taken place at a later stage .
5 Of course he had known Rufus had this in mind , was three years through his time at medical school , had already considerable knowledge and nous — who could forget that ? — but somehow he had imagined that the same fate would have overtaken the others as had overtaken him , a deathly stultifying , an inhibition on all that was ambitious and of ascendant character , a remorseful withdrawing into the shade .
6 The solution using differentiation is shown in Figure 2B , where I have shown that the same transfer price is spot on for both divisions .
7 Recent trials in Senegal have shown that the same machines can reduce contamination with aflatoxin to safe levels .
8 The Chief Executive 's Management Group have agreed that the same approach should be adopted for the festive season 1991/92 .
9 Although most of the work has been done at concentrations of less than 500 ppm , the LLNL workers have found that the same dose that destroys 500 ppm of TCE will reduce 10,000 ppm to 500 ppm — in other words the X-rays are more effective on higher concentrations .
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