Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pron] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 And my son has received none of the two hundred and eight
2 I for one value the friendship that he has given me in the eight and a half years that I have been a Member of the House , despite the fact that we are in different parties and disagree on many issues .
3 His American tour kicked off on day one at the Tournament of Champions in Southern California and has taken him to the two major Pro-Ams — the Bob Hope and the Crosby ( aforementioned Pebble Beach National Pro-Am ) — a trio of Florida events — Doral , the Honda Classic and the Players ' Championship — as well as The Masters , the Colonial , the Memorial , the season-ending Nabisco Championship and a slew of less-hallowed events in between .
4 Nicholson 's new boy Adrian Maguire has thirty four winners already … but a double from Richard Dunwoody has taken him into the twenties
5 The director said ‘ Action ’ , the sound recordist said ‘ Running ’ , the assistant cameraman said ‘ One forty-five take one ’ , and I put the first question — how did he think the war would have gone if he 'd started it with the 300 U-boats he 'd asked for in 1938 ?
6 It agreed to the sale because a refusal would merely have delayed it until the six months ' residential qualification had been achieved by the co-tenant , the committee was told .
7 ‘ We urgently appeal to anybody who may have seen it during the 48 hours in which it was missing to contact us . ’
8 It is ironic that reforms intended to increase efficiency by introducing market disciplines should have undermined them in the one sector in which they already existed .
9 During the six years that followed his restoration , Louis put together again the coalition of ecclesiastical and secular support that had sustained him in the 820s .
10 But she did make two purchases from the hat and the dress departments with the money which J. D. O'Conner had given her for the two articles which she had written for him .
11 In the survey , people had said which of the two factors was more important to them .
12 Most commentators attributed Smith 's acquittal to inconsistencies in Bowman 's evidence , to an ineffective performance by prosecutor Moria K. Lasch , and to the Dec. 2 ruling by Judge Mary E. Lupo to exclude the testimony of three other women who claimed that Smith had assaulted them during the 1980s .
13 Bryan Bland is a ‘ well-known bird watcher ’ ; we ( the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Leicester Group ) had borrowed him for the two days of a winter weekend .
14 I had taken her to the Three Tuns , and told the others to meet us there , on the basis that it was the second nearest pub to the scene of the demo and the nearest one to Seymour Street police station .
15 At Pace 's 57th St space until 17 October , Claes Oldenburg has returned to the possibilities of human scale sculptures of harps , saxophones , scent bottles , a tie etc after his monumental commissions that have occupied him since the 1980s and which include ‘ Match Cover ’ in the Olympic village at Barcelona .
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