Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pron] [prep] [adj] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Even knowing she looked ridiculous , she 'd enjoyed it after that first entrance , had loved being on a stage again , singing with the company .
2 His car was still outside ; it was the open-top Volkswagen Beetle he 'd bought himself on that first day straight from the showroom window .
3 His own inclination would have led him towards this first interview three or four days earlier .
4 She shook her head in exasperation , remembering his deception and total lack of sympathy , the way he had treated her on that first night , that following morning .
5 Or meant to have replied , but perhaps she had not , perhaps the knowledge of later years had imposed itself on that first memory .
6 All the problems that had beset them from that first moment their eyes had met in the courtyard on the day of her arrival had vanished , it seemed , giving way to the greater power of one fact — now they were lovers .
7 So you 've got one over one hundredth .
8 So that 's a bit tricky that , doing it that way , you 've got one over one hundredth .
9 Had wanted her since that first day .
10 ‘ Oh , yes , I 've wanted you from that first meeting in France . ’
11 The seneschal had muttered something about this next game being the closest analogue of the Wars themselves , which worried Ajayi for a start .
12 I 've loved you from that first day . "
13 You 've lost , I 've lost you on this last one , Kim have I ?
14 I met some now very loyal friends who have seen me through these last three and a half years .
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