Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] him the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In standing out for true sportsmanship on the field Mr Chapman , loyally backed by his players , set a standard which has raised the sport he loved to the highest level , and has won for him the gratitude of sportsmen the world over . ’
2 But he has brought with him the Furies who appear at key moments of the action — the spectral creatures whose gaze he can not endure but whose presence he understands , since he believes he has murdered his wife .
3 US sources in London insist that Mr Clinton has put behind him the resentment over Conservative involvement in the US election .
4 ‘ The defendant had been personally negligent in that he had failed to take such steps and make such inquiries as would have revealed to him the defects in his structure and the risks of fire thereby occasioned . ’
5 As the armies of general Windischgrätz approached , parliament retired to the eastern town of Debrecen where Kossuth made the declaration of Hungarian independence , having taken with him the regalia of St Stephen , founder of the Hungarian state .
6 In some senses you know when it happens to a male student , he is not he does n't have confirmed for him the sense that he is only a sexual object and that this is yet more of the way in which he is always perceived .
7 He had gone with Richard on crusade and had shared with him the hazards of the perilous journey home .
8 He had brought with him the Bishop of Durham , which was mandatory , and which of course Thorfinn had matched by bringing Malduin , flashing an expensive ring of unknown provenance .
9 And further , he said that it was his determination to see me again , to persuade me to live with him , that had streng-thened in him the desire to go on living , a desire that had been weak since the death of Montaine .
10 This was partly the result of an upbringing that had instilled in him the belief that it was wrong to say unkind things about people behind their backs ; indeed , a lack of verbal malice , and a determination to try always to see the best in people , is one of his qualities .
11 If because risk had passed to him the buyer has to bear some loss , it follows that he is not excused from carrying out the contract .
12 Unfortunately , he is unable to respond himself as he is away from the office filming at present , but we have discussed with him the requests you make in your letter .
13 Under the Financial Services [ Cancellation ] Rules 1989 , an investor is entitled under certain circumstances to cancel a Plan he has opened and have returned to him the sum invested .
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