Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] it in the " in BNC.

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1 He will shift very rapidly between different representations of the equipment ; the thing itself , his maintenance instructions , the manual , the drawings of the system , verbal discussion with a colleague , his recollection of what has happened to it in the past and so on .
2 What has happened to it in the course of its life ?
3 Some of you might have heard about it in the press .
4 Imagine my excitement , therefore , when it seemed recently that I might have stumbled across it in the shape of the Tower House in Malmesbury , Wiltshire .
5 Er , so , there is undoubtedly a lot of work still to be done in making the D S O competitive , as for building maintenance work , I 'm not certain we 've ever considered having a building maintenance D S O. We may have looked at it in the days before D S Os , but that 's er , a long time ago , and it 's certainly worth having a look .
6 Forgive the typed letter — bit impersonal , but I am trying to get to speedy grips with the little apple laptop powerbook 100 which I got when George was home — heaven alone knows how I would have done without it in the last few weeks .
7 Lee must have banged into it in the dark .
8 Not only does the battered town seem to have been on the receiving end of a good deal of good , honest , no-nonsense coppering , but it gives the impression that a higher authority , God , must have passed over it in the Fifties , blasting it at close range with His celestial hair-drier , to judge from the universally blistered and leprous paintwork on all the buildings .
9 IT WAS sackless not to have thought of it in the first place .
10 This city was naturally of great strategic importance : much of the communication between Francia and the eastern Mediterranean seems to have passed through it in the sixth century .
11 She had thought about it in the dark hours of the night .
12 Institutionally it was shaken almost to pieces , and certainly out of the torpor that had descended upon it in the long aftermath of the Counter Reformation and the seventeenth-century wars of religion , by the reverberations of the Revolution with their deeply anti-religious and anti-traditional note .
13 How lovely it would be to find the garden , and see what had happened to it in the last ten years !
14 Of course I have looked at it in the past , many , many times .
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