Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Expansion of their wealth depended upon drawing serfs away from the land to labour in the towns ( thus serfs who could remain hidden within town walls for a year and a day gained freedom from the land ) and on undermining those aristocratic privileges , such as control over roads , which inhibited commercial activity .
2 When termites leave the nest to forage on dead plant material , they can remain hidden by building tunnels from the nest to the food supplies .
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has received from business men about the importance of controlling inflation .
4 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what recent representations he has received from business men about the need for the United Kingdom to remain a receptive and attractive base for inward investment .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what recent representations he has received from business men about the impact of the Trades Union Congress 's attitude to Japanese inward investment into the United Kingdom .
6 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what recent representations he has received from business men about the impact of regulatory burdens on industry .
7 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has received from business men concerning the impact of the regulatory environment on decisions about location of investment .
8 Here , an international study group has travelled from Kew Gardens in London to explore Oxford 's own tropical greenhouse .
9 The Company has arranged for clinic facilities to be available at Lloyds & City Medical Centre , situated at ( ten minutes walk from Bank Tube Station ) .
10 A family of four ( played by actors ) is shown , where each one has fallen into money problems through unwise use of credit .
11 That said , the drinks sector seemed relieved that the Chancellor has paid some attention to the risk of driving business across the Channel to the Calais supermarkets , the building sector was prepared to look for possible beneficiaries from the approval the Chancellor has given to rail links in South-east England , oil benefited from the abolition of PRT on new North Sea fields , the motor trade seemed to take the threat of fuel taxes in excess of inflation in its stride , and WH Smith reflected a sense of relief that VAT has not been extended to books and newspapers .
12 Support for this sequence of events has come from animal models of atherosclerosis and studies using cell-culture techniques , and as Born ( 1983 ) has pointed out caution is necessary in translating these findings to the human situation .
13 Further evidence that glutamate is involved in epilepsy has come from animal models of focal epilepsy , including intracerebral application of cobalt , folate , and kainate , as well as in electrically kindled amygdala , in which seizures are associated with release of glutamate .
14 The F T magazines have all increased their market share and Profile , our electronic , er erm , information business has grown in revenue terms by twelve percent .
15 In the Annual review of information science and technology , McCarn ( 1978 ) and Wanger ( 1979 ) have reviewed training and education for online information retrieval and Caruso ( 1981 ) has written about computer aids to learning online retrieval .
16 County Councillor , Councillor on my right , I think is to be congratulated on the work he has done with County Highways on our behalf , and has written to District Council recommending refusal .
17 JIM WATTON , contract manager for CCG at Scotrail , is delighted at the impact his trolley service has had on rail passengers in Scotland since the company took over the contract two years ago .
18 It is also the area in which most work has occurred in computer systems for language processing .
19 Mathisen ( 1984 ) documented secondary porosity enhancement of 40% in Plio-Pleistocene volcaniclastic sandstones from Indonesia in addition to alteration of many of the original grains and cements ( e.g. feldspars , volcanic fragments , zeolites ) ; this has occurred in burial depths of only 400–900 m .
20 But his lifestyle has lead to court appearances on drug and driving offences and he 's served two jail sentences .
21 The director of British Organic Farmers has called for government subsidies as an alternative to set-aside .
22 FRED LANSDOWN has retired from P&O Cruises after 43 years service .
23 Commenting on another storming quarter — figures , page seven — Microsoft Corp , whose third quarter earnings of $0.80 a share were above consensus analyst estimates of $0.78 for the period , warned that fourth quarter growth in profits would be less impressive — ‘ One of the things that 's different in this fourth quarter is we do n't have this kicker product , the icing on the cake , ’ said Microsoft investor relations chief Raymond Ferguson ; Microsoft said it shipped a record-breaking 2m MS-DOS 6 retail upgrade copies in the two weeks since it hit the market , but the company said they would be pleased if fourth-quarter revenues rose by half the roughly 20% sequential quarterly rate of recent years , when Microsoft has benefited from upgrade versions of Windows 3.0 , MS-DOS 5 and then Windows 3.1 ; it is still likely to see its first billion dollar quarter this time ; during the fiscal third quarter , sales of applications , which accounted for 61% of total revenues in the period , leaped 63% over year-ago levels to $580m , and Microsoft ended the quarter with $2,000m in cash ; shipment of Windows NT is on schedule for late June following a late May unveiling , the firm said .
24 The restoration work has brought to light tricks of the Gibbons trade .
25 This phrase has appeared in Hague Conventions since 1896 , in many bilateral civil procedure conventions including those entered into by the United Kingdom , in other multilateral conventions and , outside the area of civil procedure in the Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters 1968 .
26 The wide disparity that has emerged between house prices in different regions provides a major obstacle to geographical mobility of labour .
27 Crianlarich , Tyndrum and Bridge of Orchy are melancholy , stranded little hamlets that the internal combustion engine has mutated into service stations for coach parties and crumpled , travel-weary motorists .
28 A prolonged period of low rainfall has led to drought conditions in much of the south and east of the UK , with the problem compounded by increasing abstraction from rivers and groundwater for domestic and industrial uses [ see ED no. 57 ] .
29 Some £1.6m of the Westhoughton , Bolton-based company 's total debt will bear interest at only 1% per annum until January 1994 — this has led to interest savings of more than £500,000 a year at 1992 reduced interest levels .
30 The organisation has campaigned for oil tankers to be equiped with double hulls to minimise dangers of oil spills and for them to avoid such environmentally sensitive areas such as the Shetland isles .
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