Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [adv] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Many of the new firms that started were under-capitalised and so went to the wall , but the net number has increased by many hundreds of thousands since 1979 .
2 Later research suggests , however , that they were more common in the North-west than had been supposed and probably began in the South-east in the late sixteenth century , and has cast doubt on the validity of seeking to impose too rigid a geographical pattern on food rioting from the recorded incidence .
3 Adams stated that whilst he and Moore were at supper he saw an unusual light in the direction of the Body Shop but , instead of going to see what it was and turning on the water from the hydrants to endeavour to arrest the progress of the flames , he caused the alarm bell to be rung and then ran to the gate to admit the Fire Brigade .
4 He stood there slightly bent for a few seconds holding his stomach and then he staggered and slowly fell to the floor .
5 That breakdown was reflected in the art of the period , which — as in Francis Bacon — partly protested and partly rejoiced in the excremental quality of the age .
6 Mr Nasta has used two large rooms to display the works , all of them privately owned and personally lent for the occasion .
7 Look what was threatened and nearly happened to the Falls Women 's Centre , and it 's not just in West Belfast ; the same is happening in Ballybeen on the other side of the city .
8 And you 've all seen and probably participated in the scene where a sequence of such meeting is brought to its climax by one partner coming right out with the movie cliché ‘ We ca n't go on meeting like this ’ or less effectively ‘ Long time no see ! ’
9 The reality was that the growth of corporate enterprise shattered three of the assumptions which underlay the belief that economic power of the company was regulated and thereby legitimated by the competitive market .
10 Her arms , which were bare to the elbows , were freckled and lightly downed in the artificial light .
11 The sun still threw its dappled mantle and the trees still creaked and resonantly vibrated in the oldest of symphonies .
12 This consideration was never advanced or even pondered by the opponents of the agreement .
13 Another time his father might have laughed or mildly remonstrated about the cruelty of the imitation .
14 And on this Peggy turned and almost flew from the room .
15 In this capacity Baker submitted biannual reports and advised on legislation , which was elaborated and then codified by the Factories Act of 1878 .
16 The air is cleaned and then recirculated without the loss of expensively generated heat that occurs with extractor fans .
17 The nonsmoker breathes ‘ sidestream ’ smoke from the burning tip of the cigarette and ‘ mainstream ’ smoke that has been inhaled and then exhaled by the smoker .
18 The downhall line is tied and lightly tensioned to the bottom of the sail .
19 The train started and soon plunged into the tunnel .
20 But the antique mirrors , which at his direction had been cut into squares in order to line the dining-and-dance room , were now tarnished and occasionally flew off the wall ; and the two murals done by Matisse had been sold to Americans .
21 These teachings clearly influenced the early books of The Prelude , and it is worth digressing at this point to see how Wordsworth amended and yet clung to the spirit of Rousseau 's ideals .
22 But soon this force also was obliged to retreat and thus came within the grasp of a new figure , General Joseph Galliéni , the recently appointed Military Governor of the French capital and the man who , above all , was to save France from conquest .
23 And new Manager , Denis Smith , must have exploded at the way his defenders dillied and dallied and never got to the ball on time .
24 The waiter 's eyes had rounded and then slid to the now poker-faced Lucenzo , who became preoccupied with peeling the paper from a Carnival doughnut .
25 The sections were incubated in 5% normal rabbit serum to reduce background staining and then incubated with the monoclonal antibody to bromodeoxyuridine ( Dakopatts , Denmark ) diluted 1:100 with phosphate buffer for one hour .
26 A thick stolon was much delayed in its passage ; at one place it was forced to turn at right angles to its former course ; at another place it could not pass through the pins , and the hinder part became bowed ; it then curved upwards and passed through an opening between the upper part of some pins which happen to diverge ; it then descended and finally emerged through the crowd ’ ( Darwin , 1880 ) .
27 At many moments of weakness , or love , Thomas had spent far more money than he could afford or even wished for the sake of Simon 's joy in the holidays .
28 Competitive Regulation : here , the aim is to ensure that competition is not eliminated or seriously hampered by the formation of cartels .
29 For various reasons including the growth of the elderly population , the fall in the birth rate , the increase in the number of young adults and the rising divorce rate , the long-term trend towards smaller average household size has continued and even accelerated over the past two decades .
30 These are usually concealed and then flashed at the last moment , giving the prospective predator the impression that it is approaching a much larger animal and one that is staring straight at it in a defiant manner .
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