Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [to-vb] [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) For the purposes of the valuation referred to in subsection ( 1 ) above , it shall be assumed — ( a ) that the landlord in default is selling his interest on the open market to a willing buyer ; ( b ) that neither the residential occupier nor any member of his family wishes to buy ; and ( c ) that it is unlawful to carry out any substantial development of any of the land in which the landlord 's interest subsists or to demolish the whole or part of any building on that land .
2 9.3 Covenants relating to adjoining Premises Nothing contained in or implied by this Lease shall give the Tenant the benefit of or the right to enforce or to prevent the release or modification of any covenant agreement or condition entered into by any tenant of the Landlord in respect of any property not comprised in this Lease Tenants have very limited rights to enforce covenants against each other .
3 Your chair needs to support your spine , cushion your bottom and be at a convenient height for writing — but it does not need to be upholstered or to swivel or to have a head/footrest or whatever .
4 To give enterprises a chance to adjust and to avoid a crunch that would undermine support for further reform , governments might need to start with high tariffs , promising to eliminate them over , say , five years .
5 I rarely comment on Irish affairs , not because of lack of interest but because the Irish communities would reject any opinion or suggestion if they considered it a ’ Brit ’ suggestion or opinion , but , in this instance , the circumstances are so hideously distressing that I feel compelled to comment and to ask the Minister whether he thinks it a heavy irony that last Friday 's incident followed successive discoveries of large caches of arms and whether perhaps it was a desperate attempt by the IRA to reassert some degree of authority .
6 People become self-important to counteract and to attack the fear that they are insignificant .
7 Grégoire 's ability to take a clock to pieces and put it together again , to strip down a car engine , to harness a horse and ride it well , to know and to cherish the names and characteristics of plants and of animals — all these abilities meant nothing to Hugo at all .
8 In preparations for post-war construction , Resistance figures had planned to ban the continued publication of all newspapers that had collaborated and to create a press that would be economically viable as well as politically free and pluralist : there should be no repetition of the venality of journalists , the concentration of ownership , the submission to the forces of capital , of the inter-war years .
9 If they pay a service charge they have the right to obtain a summary of the costs on which their service charge is calculated and to inspect the accounts and receipts on which the summary is based .
10 Continued vigilance will be necessary to monitor and to protect the principle that patients should have access on clinical rather than financial grounds .
11 In such an environment , competitive advantage lies with the organisation that has the richest variety and frequency of interaction with the customer , not because this builds brands awareness , but because it offers the greatest opportunities to identify and to react the events that signal credit demand .
12 if you remember the question that the founding fathers faced was how do you create a government which is strong enough to endure and to defend the nation and defend the country yet a government which is not so strong that it erodes the rights of individuals within it , this is the , the essence of the , the problem of government as , as the founding fathers saw it .
13 In other words , you tend to notice behaviours that confirm the conclusion you have already reached and to ignore the behaviours that contradict it .
14 In the traditional hunting communities , those who were a burden — because they had become too old to hunt or to follow the family as it trekked to a new hunting ground — took themselves off to an ice-floe or an isolated rock and waited for death .
15 More often than not , papers do appear different on either side and it would seem sensible not to be inhibited and to use the reverse if you actually prefer it !
16 What your suffering friend needs at such a time is to have you just listen , not to judge or to find the answer but to offer practical support if necessary .
17 Practice serves to strengthen the S-R elements of the chain , to aid the learning of sequences , to prevent forgetting and to strengthen the fixation and autonomous phases .
18 to institute a searching examination by a competent authority of every child in every school to which grants are to be paid with the view of ascertaining whether these indispensable elements of knowledge are thoroughly acquired and to make the prospects and position of the teacher dependent , to a considerable extent , on the results of this examination .
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