Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hindus revere nature but never feel any need to marshal or mould it into a design of their own : a banyan tree will almost be encouraged to spread its drooping creepers into the middle of any village market , or to block any backwoods track .
2 Her fingers worked at a small lace handkerchief , twisting and untwisting it in an extremity of nervous tension .
3 And it 's much easier to try and control it on the clutch .
4 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
5 Cumberland also felt some anxiety about the security of Blair Castle , situated about eight miles [ 13 km ] north-west of Pitlochry , the ancestral home of Lord George Murray , who obtained permission from Prince Charles to try and regain it from the government forces occupying it , but his light guns proved ineffective against the castle 's 7-ft [ 2.1-m ] thick walls .
6 We got him to come and fix it before the first session .
7 The process was patented by Squire in 1875 , and Squire and Messel described and demonstrated it before the Chemical Society the following April .
8 So remorseful was Shiva that he took the head of the first creature he encountered and placed it on the boy 's shoulders .
9 There were stacks of old art magazines , a broken easel , the white-painted bough which Elise had brought down at Christmas before trimming and hanging it over the inglenook fireplace .
10 At a push , you could use a disk editor , such as the one included with Norton Utilities , to recover files — just hunt down the file you want and copy it to a new file .
11 ‘ We gets what we want and puts it in the freezer — got no use for shoppin' us . ’
12 You felt , tasted and swallowed it in an effort to breathe .
13 Throughout the war , there were constant efforts to limit the devastation it was causing or to bring it to a halt altogether .
14 The 1964 Act , then , gives protection to a bona fide private purchaser who buys a motor vehicle unaware that the seller is hiring or buying it under a hire purchase or conditional sale agreement .
15 Such theories , he remarks , ‘ are not centrally concerned with literature ; indeed , they may marginalize or abandon it as a category ’ , and he instances their source in such fields as philosophy , psychology , sociology , anthropology , linguistics .
16 Most of us who are brought up in the Western Christian tradition take the divinity of Jesus for granted or regard it as a philosophical problem .
17 This role will involve further service development of the factory deep cleaning service with the aim of promoting and selling it on a nationwide basis .
18 The change-over day from one occupancy to the next was on a Saturday , when our admirable Jane Jones arrived to clean and prepare it for the next lot .
19 ‘ The odds were 7–2 that I would disappear with the money before we even started , even money that I 'd wait until the houses were built and leg it with the money , ’ recalls the London born-and-bred ‘ community builder ’ , with all the relish of a man who beat the bookies .
20 Whereas in management I take the raw clay of inexperience , then shape and mould it into a team of teapots , Vic had an old-fashioned approach , plucking players with natural ability and building them into a cohesive unit but where no player 's unique , individual flair was stifled .
21 No doubt the judge , if he does not agree with the course proposed , is fully entitled to convey that to counsel and discuss it in the absence of the jury .
22 And adequate software must be made available to ensure G M B activists can put into practice what they 've been taught and use it to the labour movement 's advantage .
23 Not because I could n't have had a holiday only that er we had loads of milk so we had to go and fetch it from the farms and you got ta have somebody to take it out .
24 Once you have used the designer , you can take the code it produces and edit it in the usual way .
25 Pulling a little face , she carefully folded the tea-towel she 'd been using and laid it on the work surface .
26 His aims are thus established from the outset both to record the evidence he has gathered and to evaluate it for the purposes of determining the truth .
27 Make sure the macaroni is well drained and place it in a bowl along with the celery , onion , parsley , green and red peppers , salts and pepper .
28 He both expected and accepted it as a matter of course .
29 And best of all , the Royston , Hertfordshire-based company has simply taken technology that it has already developed and used it in a creative way , which means the newspaper should be relatively cheap — no pricing was available , however , as the firm builds bespoke systems to suit a customers individual needs .
30 So it 's floated and knitted it on the back .
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