Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [verb] it [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is the possession of a common culture and the ability to communicate and pass it on to others that distinguishes the human being from other animals .
2 Lāla Bahādur started to play with its stringy tail — twirling it round in the air , twisting and tugging it back from the socket — trying to provoke a reaction that would jar it to life .
3 ‘ Because , ’ the Doctor answered , a little hoarse himself , ‘ the enhancer works both ways , and the Old One 's survival instinct is letting him draw on its excess life-force to try and bring it back into the world .
4 Cos if it is , how much are we gon na have to pay for it , and why and what can we do to try and bring it back in .
5 You 're concentration goes it 's like er it 's like someone 's going to try and head it in to the net and he 's trying to work out which corner it 's going into and he 's
6 I think she was going to try and throw it out of the window but she did n't have the strength .
7 It 's best not to try and fit it in during school breaks because you need a continuous stretch of time at it .
8 Polish technicians were at work assembling and checking it out during mid-October .
9 They entered and sprayed it out with water .
10 We then run it into fermenters , adding yeast , then leave it for 3 days to ferment and rack it off into casks .
11 Argus , which is employee-owned and unaffiliated in any way to Addamax , has taken a royalty-based licence to Addamax 's Compartmented Mode Workstation technology and will develop , market and support it along with all of Addamax 's existing customers .
12 Argus , which is employee-owned and unaffiliated in any way to Addamax , has taken a royalty-based licence to Addamax' Compartmented Mode Workstation ( CMW ) technology and will develop , market and support it along with all of Addamax' existing customers .
13 Anxious about his prospects of liberation , the slave Moschos went for a night of incubation to the temple and had a dream in which the divine pair Amphiaraus and Hygieia ordered him to write down what he had seen and to set it up in stone by the altar .
14 If that is the carrot to persuade this Parliament to give up such independence as it possesses and to move it on from the treaty of Rome , I would want a lot of persuading that that was in our best interests .
15 The offence was compounded when one Anthony Hurke released the animal from where it had been impounded and turned it back to the Down and was himself fined .
16 You do n't have to fight your way into a plastic-wrapped leg of hairy chicken , while you 're hurtled through space at the mercy of some suburban pilot with piles who thinks only of his duty frees and having it off with the stewardess .
17 got to pay it again to go and collect it back off him !
18 I had to go and get it up across the road .
19 ‘ I 've a good mind to go and have it out with him here and now .
20 ‘ I still think you ought to go and have it out with him . ’
21 ‘ Do so and dear Uncle will simply laugh and put it down to my youthful impetuosity .
22 Make sure you see it in the shop properly erected and test it out by rocking it back and forth ( as a toddler would ) to see how much it would stand before falling over .
23 I had to get one that were n't ironed and iron it up for him !
24 When that did not work they tried pumping or spraying it on to neighbouring fields , hoping it would filter through the ground by natural causes .
25 He turned and pointed it out to her .
26 F er your bodywork was er it was cut off You measured and cut it off with your er at the at the mill , and er , of course , then when it got to the er you cut it You know , when you got it to the er your waggon , you put it in and , of course , then you 'd got to bore all the holes by hand for the bolts to go in , to fit in .
27 He started to take it off again , then sighed and pulled it back over his shoulders .
28 ‘ I know , ’ she replied and dropped it on to the couchette .
29 I have my shit , bury and cover it over like a cat , with earth and leaves , trying to ensure a faster conversion back to nature .
30 She withdrew her finger when told but put it back in as soon as possible .
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