Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [verb] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I went to the afterguard and said our boats are not optimised or going as fast as I would like and asked for recommendations , ’ said Koch .
2 ‘ It is my wish that my Clerk Mr. Prince who is well acquainted with my business and affairs and in whom I place great confidence should continue in the management and conduct of the same … to sell and dispose or exchange all or any of my works on Ornithology and specimens of Natural History in the manner I have been accustom to do … to continue or complete as far as practicable the publication of any work or works of mine on Ornithology and to do all other [ illegible ] by issuing a Prospectus advertising the same … to purchase all necessary materials articles and things fit and proper for the carrying on of my business … to borrow for a temporary period any money from my Bankers , Messrs Drummond and Company … and if there by any surplus available for the purpose to invest the same in purchase of Stock … to pay the rent and taxes … make up , adjust and settle all and every or any Accounts … [ and generally ] to do perform and execute all and every or any other acts deeds matters and things whatsoever are necessary to be done in all other my concerns engagements affairs and business whatsoever during my absence from England as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if I were personally present and did the same . ’
3 In the 1990s the number of people of working age will either fall or grow more slowly than over the past two decades in all the big industrial economies , which should help to reduce dole queues .
4 Luckily Tim Dunton had been very understanding , telling her not to worry and to take as long as she needed to sort matters out .
5 The landlord will nevertheless wish to ensure that the premises are occupied and trading as soon as possible , particularly if they are located in a parade or shopping centre where the landlord 's adjoining premises could benefit from customers to the premises .
6 But with Barnet owing £1.3million and the players and staff unpaid for three weeks , Stein believes it is unlikely the crisis can be averted and went as far as to wish his players ‘ all the best for the future . ’
7 The abduction and murder of 2 year old , James Bulger , she says , underlines the importance , whenever possible , of not letting youngsters out of your sight and ensuring they know that when confronted by a stranger they 're allowed to scream and shout as loud as they like .
8 There is a convincing body of research indicating that people are educated and trained more effectively if they are able to interact with the educational or training medium .
9 His eyes were fixed on the forms which he was signing and stamping as fast as he could go .
10 As Savage puts it , ‘ a hundred shares can be organised and directed more easily than a hundred workers ’ .
11 If you purchase Mozzarella at the supermarket , it may be in brine or be ready grated ; it is difficult to grate but melts more evenly if you make the effort .
12 At each stage of their individual development , a number of men stop and grow no further because their needs are satisfied .
13 Some fat old hag in a dirty apron came and said so far as she knew you were in hospital .
14 He hovered about the site restlessly , like one barefoot on thorns , all the while they were removing the debris of sagging , uprooted broom bushes , which Orrie phlegmatically loaded into a handcart and wheeled away along the riverside path to be unloaded and burned as far as possible from the sacred precincts .
15 ‘ If you want to sell and get as far as enticing a buyer , whoever it is will have the place surveyed , and any surveyor knowing his job will condemn it out of hand .
16 Start deciding what you are going to wear and plan well ahead if your dress/shoes/bridesmaids ' dresses etc. are being made
17 Delinquency can be seen , depending on perceptions of society and its organization , as the result of poverty , deprivation and inequity , or as a personal iniquity to be identified , punished and discouraged as firmly as possible .
18 The form should be completed and returned as soon as possible to the North-Eastern Education and Library Board .
19 First and foremost everyone present at an event must be able to see and hear , and the press must be able to see and hear slightly better than the rest without getting in the way of the guests .
20 The Economist has argued that the council is indeed a senate and ought to debate and vote as openly as a senate .
21 Mouse pups born in Dr Friedler 's laboratory weighed less at birth and failed to grow or mature as fast as those born of fathers treated ( for the sake of comparison ) with either salt-water injections or compressed air .
22 Keith Richardson says it was an excellent Gloucester performance and with Wales beating England it just goes to show that the formbook can be beaten and Gloucester could well beat Bath on Saturday if they run and tackle as hard as they did in this game .
23 A traveller of extraordinary audacity of whom Mitford wrote ‘ Burton had dared and done more almost than any man living ’ .
24 Sir John turned and belched as loudly as he could .
25 Joseph smiled hesitantly and waved , but this embarrassed the little Annamese girl and she turned and ran as fast as she could to catch up with her parents .
26 Then he turned and ran as fast as he could to catch up with Trung .
27 I watched the distant cloud from the explosion drift away over the firth , dispersing , then I turned and ran as fast as I could for the house .
28 If there is any tendency for one type of crystal to grow and split more quickly than the other , we shall have a simple kind of natural selection .
29 As Miller puts it : ‘ Education is a source of economic growth if it is anti-traditional to the extent that it liberates and stimulates as well as informs the individual and teaches him how and why to make demands upon himself . ’
30 Spiritual congress of this kind is , in fact , found all over the world and throughout history — as the biographies of famous Christian and other mystics confirm and occurs more often than is generally supposed in our own contemporary Western world .
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