Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [verb] [adv] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The ascent was arduous and prolonged , twisting and turning upwards for more than twelve kilometres to the pass , almost a thousand metres high .
2 You 've got to try and hold on to so much information that something eventually has to drop .
3 When she was level with the edge of the thatch , she stopped and leaned over with well practised ease to take her tin of money out from its hiding place under the thatch .
4 Do what Jahsaxa wants and get out of here .
5 Under this ‘ simulated market ’ , districts would receive a population-based allocation and would pass this allocation ‘ down to GPs in the form of notional budgets for hospital and community health services ; GPs would exercise choice , as in the model of Maynard et al ; but that choice would be made against the notional budget , where GPs stand neither to lose nor to gain financially from how their actual use of services compares with their budget ’ ( Bevan , 1989 ) .
6 5.16.2 To take all [ reasonable ] steps to prevent any new window light opening doorway path passage pipe or other encroachment or easement being made or acquired in against out of or upon the Premises and to notify the Landlord immediately if any such encroachment or easement shall be made or acquired ( or attempted to be made or acquired ) and at the request of the Landlord to adopt such means as shall [ reasonably ] be required to prevent such encroachment or the acquisition of any such easement The landlord will wish to ensure that encroachments are prevented .
7 In an age in which the Church was living and functioning largely within more or less liberal , democratic societies and in which defence mechanisms such as the Index of forbidden books had ceased effectively to function , it was no longer possible to insulate Catholic society mentally from the world around it .
8 It was easy to stand back and view what had been accomplished , decide what had to be done and move straight in again with the view fresh in memory .
9 The story of how such a principle was accepted by a war-time coalition government and why it was implemented in the form that it was in advance of all the other social security changes , is a useful illustration of the ways in which particular problems gain the attention of governments and how one social policy can be seen and adopted as at least a partial solution to those problems .
10 She twisted and gazed back to where the Black Cuillins arced away in ridge after ridge of jagged stone , rearing up into a flawless sky .
11 This competing to be noticed and admired only for how you look is treated and encouraged as normal behaviour in girls .
12 His grandsons remembered him as a very old man , fond of reading the Encyclopaedia Britannica and so failing in his memory that , when he dozed over one of the volumes , the boys would turn over several pages and he never noticed but read on from there when he woke up .
13 After circling and playing together for probably a minute , the fins had lazily disappeared and Yanto had gone home a mystified man .
14 Athelstan suddenly remembered the bear , stopped and walked back to where the animal sat chained in the corner where curtain wall met Bell Tower .
15 We pay for people to go and live in for ever .
16 James had left after the show , Jack had gone back to London , which just left Ben and some warm champagne and a plate of dryish chicken sandwiches to mull and bitch over till 2am .
17 The Business Location Service is extremely grateful for the support it has been given and looks forward to even greater success with its partners in the year ahead .
18 Let's eat and get out of here .
19 We then were both blindfolded and placed apart at about fifty yards .
20 He straightened and looked across to where the men from the ambulance were advancing with his father and his wife .
21 This may at first be simple ‘ draw writing ’ but as they develop and learn more about how written language works , their writing comes increasingly close to standard adult systems .
22 Season the dish to taste and serve immediately with freshly cooked vegetables or a green salad .
23 The clothes that the children wear or dress up in often prompt comment .
24 In a way they 're the best pop group for years because — bereft of youthful , lithe hormone appeal or sculptured cheekbones — they stand or fall totally on how good a pop group they are .
25 On his last leave before sailing he had said his goodbyes to his mother and gone out but , stopping at the gate , turned and gone back in again , leaving with her his signet ring and pocket watch .
26 Still holding on to it , he nodded and went out to where the Audi was parked .
27 The company 's been bought and sold twice since then . ’
28 Because BT was not restructured or broken down into more manageable units which might compete with one another ( the US solution to their phone giant AT & t ) , competition between giant BT and tiny Mercury is unlikely to constrain BT much .
29 I would just like to say that women from the ethnic minorities , I 'm talking about our community and , they 've have children that have been born and brought up over here , we have double trouble cos we celebrate Christmas , New Year , Easter and then we uphold our own traditions and have o all our own festivals as well .
30 I feel as if the woman I loved and looked up to never existed . ’
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