Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [verb] [prep] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After a three-year investigation involving the Police Complaints Authority , it was announced that a number of police officers were to be admonished or advised about their conduct and were to face disciplinary charges .
2 In addition , they control resources which can be withdrawn or redeployed at their discretion , and are of vital importance for workers ' livelihood and the revenue base of state expenditure .
3 And people lived or died by their ability to , to produce a competent result at the end of the day .
4 In spite of the pill he kept waking and hearing the old men around him coughing or mumbling in their sleep .
5 In other cases there were no restrictions on numbers of temporary workers or the duration of their employment , merely a requirement to inform or consult about their use .
6 They dragged her by her arms as she shouted , twisting and turning in their grasp .
7 We invite you to come and eavesdrop on their story .
8 " When you think of the relations we had with the most countries , " said the Queen later , " and suddenly they do n't care to talk to you , or write to you , ask you to come and stay in their country
9 In the forest home of these birds the obscured vision in dense foliage necessitates a courtship strategy in which females are pursued and shown to their nest sites .
10 A small , brown-haired woman met him at the door , surrounded by a group of noisy , dirty children who eyed Corbett boldly , then ran to hide and giggle behind their mother 's skirts .
11 In Sailors Three ( 1940 , Three Cockeyed Sailors in US ) , Tommy Trinder and his companions get drunk and end up on a German ship which , more by mishap than demon cunning , they occupy and deliver to their commander .
12 And she stared too at her own friends , who appeared to her suddenly in a new light , laughing and fiddling with their luggage labels , and casting their eyes around them as though unbalanced by the sudden variety of choice .
13 They should be trusted and respected for their grip of the job and their good judgement .
14 Section 22(1) of the Theft Act 1968 stipulates : [ a ] person handles stolen goods if ( otherwise than in the course of the stealing ) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods he dishonestly receives the goods , or dishonestly undertakes or assists in their retention , removal , disposal or realisation by or for the benefit of another person , or if he arranges to do so .
15 Much litter is related to vehicles too , whether thrown from them in passing or resulting from their roadside cleansing or repair .
16 Some people prefer not to talk or to think about their tinnitus as they find that the more they concentrate on it the worse it becomes .
17 It is not caused by the absence of encouragement or love , nor prevented or helped by their presence .
18 Health authorities were asked to respond to the data they received and explain to their RHA any " outliers " , that is indicators appearing in the top or bottom l5 per cent of the national league table .
19 A solitary statue , a small silver tribute to the first Nicandra , glimmered alone in the centre of the wide chimney-piece , and below it garlands and Greek ladies twined and danced on their marble plaque .
20 They were there to be beseeched and entreated for their protection and aid in adversity , but what if they failed ?
21 Instead of passively accepting whatever inflow of funds they happened to receive and relying on their skill at selecting assets for their profit , institutions began to ‘ bid ’ for funds .
22 Although he was initially delighted to be a father , Keith was totally unable to cope with the responsibility and came and went in their relationship as he pleased , giving little help or support .
23 They have twisted and turned in their attitude to our nuclear deterrent .
24 Structures and vocabulary are carefully graded so that children consolidate and build on their English in a motivating way .
25 Charlie 's the ninth monkey the Kings have saved and brought into their home .
26 • Teachers should take account of the important link between home and school , actively encouraging parents to participate and share in their child 's reading and supporting pupils where this is not possible .
27 In both India and Nepal , Ganges susu are hunted and killed for their oil .
28 They had arranged a tenant but been let down , and Signor Fixit had promised to go and sit in their villa , having let his own house .
29 None of the children wanted to go and live with their birth parents , but simply to keep contact .
30 Had they played the ball down th channels or to the corner flags , this would have turned their defence and let us regroup and play in their half .
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