Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [noun pl] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It had been intended to provide turning facilities at the Robin Hood , but no suitable place could be found .
2 Hartel opened a state-sponsored modern gallery in 1903 and created teaching appointments at the Arts and Crafts School for Kolo Moser and Josef Hoffmann .
3 ‘ The Jockey Club wants to charge us more than it costs us to obtain riding plans at the moment , ’ said Gavin Bargate , the PA 's Racing Service Editor .
4 ‘ Although we consolidate using spreadsheets at the moment , we find that it is quite a lot of hard work , ’ says finance director Mark Nabakov .
5 Detectives also want to hear from two men ; one black and one white , who were seen throwing stones at the window above the address in Bristol where Carol lived .
6 Yeah we went to see Racing Demons at the beginning of December did n't we ?
7 Murray arrives in time to devise a programme for the forthcoming Festival and to supervise an ambitious campaign of refurbishment which includes opening windows at the front and on top of the building and cleaning its stone façade .
8 I did no work that I can remember — I know I was considered hopeless by my teachers and I was quite ready to believe I was hopeless — I can quite well remember keeping mice at the back of the classroom and I can remember the smell .
9 Jennings and Robson obtained teaching appointments at the LSE in the 1920s and were greatly influenced by Laski .
10 In principle only the difference signal between the noninverting and inverting inputs is amplified ; like input signals at the two inputs create cancelling signals at the output .
11 Chris , who dominated cycling events at the Barcelona Olympics , will take part in major health promotion events when his hectic racing schedule permits .
12 TOP jockeys Michael Roberts and Richard Quinn both received riding bans at the San Siro racecourse in Milan yesterday .
13 They spent hours pulling the handles of the fruit machines and appeared unusually lucky in their winnings , which they immediately spent buying souvenirs at the PBX shop .
14 Small wonder that people were star-struck by this ‘ deeply anti-democratic mind ’ ; or that even the most serious commentators , like William Safire , could not resist having cracks at the screenplay
15 Initially , Laura told her to start making samples at the Leeswood factory in Cheshire , but , determined that no one should interfere , did not inform anyone else there what Anne was doing .
16 Soon afterwards he left the Wang ( though Zervos tried to tempt him to stay by offering him an extra , wait for it , thirty-five cents an hour ! ) and started working days at the ice-cream parlour on Main Street which belonged , coincidentally , to Celia 's uncle ( or maybe not so coincidentally since , in a town like Adam 's Creek , population 2,200 , most people ended up being related sooner or later ) .
17 ‘ You stand as much chance of getting rich with that stuff , ’ she 'd say , ‘ as I do scrubbing floors at the Liver Buildings . ’
18 He had n't concentrated on one thing for years now as he had when he 'd started collecting stamps at the age of nine , so careful , so worried , so never leaving anything for a minute that could be done straight away by him .
19 Still , he quite liked making jokes at the expense of other authors .
20 The copperplates of some of the most famous of the artist 's prints , including ‘ Faust ’ , ‘ Self-portrait with feather in cap ’ , ‘ The Raising of Lazarus : arched plate ’ , ‘ The Pancake Woman ’ , ‘ Beggars receiving alms at the doors of an inn ’ , ‘ Jan Cornelis Sylvius ’ and ‘ Joseph and Potiphar 's wife ’ , are currently on show at Artemis and are selling extremely quickly to both private collectors ( one has bought the ‘ Beggars receiving alms at the doors of an inn ’ ) and institutions : the Rijksmuseum has already acquired a group which will be divided between the Rijksprentenkabinet , the Rembrandthuis and the Amsterdam Historical Museum .
21 Strategy 2 involves borrowing dollars at the beginning of the year ( at US interest rates , r $ ; ) , exchanging them into sterling at the spot exchange rate ( $P s per ) , investing the proceeds at UK interest rates ( r ) , and at the end of the year keeping 1 and repaying the dollars with interest .
22 A letter from the Highways Department stating the Lothian Regional Council propose to promote an Order to introduce waiting restrictions at the junction of Lanark Road and Baberton Avenue .
23 It also announced plans to build a sports hall and improve playing fields at the Knowsley Park Lane school , once the Lathom Wing on St Helens Road is closed .
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